Building page rank
The problem is that they essentially have a monopoly over several internet business aspects and we, as domainers, freelancers, etc. have to contend with them and learn how to work within their rules in order to keep ourselves afloat. Hopefully some other alternatives to their programs and pageranking systems appear in the next while.
RFL1986 Wrote:Wow, I can hardly believe the linking rule they tried to implement. That along with the exclusion from AdSense for certain countries is absurd. Hopefully the backlash from these kind of activities will act as a lesson for Google.

For the lesson to have any real impact, Google has to see a consistent loss of participants in their programs, along with a reduction in profits. Just about the only way to get that going is to consistently encourage new people to avoid becoming dependent on Google's PR rank and use other methods to add value to their virtual real estate.

The process has started with bloggers, it just has to spread a bit.
How do you escape the confines of Page Ranking at this point though? I am not a fan of Google's monopoly over search engines and am all for bloggers moving away from their PR system but what are the alternatives at this point? I'm quite curious to know of other ways to maintain a well-trafficked site without adhering to the constrictions of Google PR.
RFL1986 Wrote:The problem is that they essentially have a monopoly over several internet business aspects and we, as domainers, freelancers, etc. have to contend with them and learn how to work within their rules in order to keep ourselves afloat. Hopefully some other alternatives to their programs and pageranking systems appear in the next while.

As soon as people start using other means of attracting traffic, the dependency disappears. Too many are wringing their hands and saying they have no choices, which perpetuates the disservices Google doles out with impunity.

The problem appears more associate with laziness, to me, and not with commons sense. With a little effort, other options are just as useful as Google. When other factors, like plain old traffic, conversions, and flexibility are used as instead of Google page rank, things will change quickly. It is almost as if Google has mesmerized everyone.
The only advice that I could give you is to have a lot of back links to your site. You can try attaching your blog to your signature. You can also try commenting on blogs that are similar to your blog. Just be sure to attach the URL of your site to every comments that you make.
SageMother Wrote:As soon as people start using other means of attracting traffic, the dependency disappears. Too many are wringing their hands and saying they have no choices, which perpetuates the disservices Google doles out with impunity.

The problem appears more associate with laziness, to me, and not with commons sense. With a little effort, other options are just as useful as Google. When other factors, like plain old traffic, conversions, and flexibility are used as instead of Google page rank, things will change quickly. It is almost as if Google has mesmerized everyone.

That's very true. The problem is really just within the fact that any major company who gains a monopoly starts to influence the bulk of the industry they rule over. This is definitely the case with Google as you made clear with people saying they have 'no choices'. I know I feel trapped by Google PR when it's not really necessary to feel as such.
I just heard that Google might be linking up with a British company to produce original content...television style content.

I guess this might nix any lessons they could learn as they are building a new arm for their empire.

At least, this is what I heard!
I wouldn't be surprised. To be honest I can't really see Google's monopoly ending anytime soon or even getting too greatly diminished. Maybe with time something else will come up but right now it seems they're here to stay.
The only thing that might slow or interrupt their growth is if they try to monopolize the internet in an unfair fashion. With the maneuvers associated with Adsense, they might be skating very close to that happening.

Time will tell.
You are very correct about a Google gaining business. They will be looked at to see what they are doing in the future. Some companies ventures work, and some do not. Then other companies have the Midas touch: (everything they touch turns to gold).

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