How important is Page Rank to you?
It seems that this lost it's value a year or two ago, so I kinda go for domain authority even tho I don't know how to do that yet.
So what's your opinion of Page Rank? Useful or not?
I find page rank to be useful in finding out if my online marketing strategies and also my SEO strategies are working. If I see an increase in my page rank I know I am doing something right and that is always a great feeling.
Page rank is useful to me even if it isn't for anyone else because it shows that what I am doing is working well for me. I believe that page rank also means a lot to those who are out to buy domains as well. If you can get a good page rank on a domain then people are willing to pay more for your domain than if it was a 0 page rank.
According to my opinion nowadays google doesn't give preference on page rank
The most important reason why you want to get first page rankings is that you want to be visible to everyone that will need your product/service. PageRank is a way of measuring the importance of website pages. PageRank works by counting the number and quality of links to a page to determine a rough estimate of how important the website is.
PageRank is an independent measure of Google's perception of the quality/authority/credibility of an individual web page. It does not depend on any particular search phrase. Google provides a pagerank to web sites based on the site's importance. For the public, Google conveniently reports this as a number from 0-10. This is why PageRank is so important.
In 2014 John Mueller from Google has said that it is improbable Google would refresh toolbar PageRank. The signs were wanting a while, toolbar PageRank was being refreshed dynamically more sporadic and in reality the SEO business was giving careful consideration to the metric.

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