Hey guys! I own a list of some domains with .me.uk and .org, .mobi, .tv, .info, .ws which all have been certified as premium domains.

Domains with .me.uk I own are generic and very popular, THEY ARE WANTED! domains with the rest extensions cannot be compared with them.

However .me.uk is just a second top level domain of .co.uk and not very popular (I think, not sure) so I wander if the domains with .me.uk are more profitable than domains with the .ORG, .MOBI, .TV, .INFO and .WS. (For example, I don’t know which from shopping.me.uk and shoppingmall with the rest extensions is more profitable)

Anyone here can help me to find out the right answer? Thanks
Oh Man!!!someone Please Help Me !!!im A Newbie So I Need Your Opinions
No Really
=>someone Help Me>.<
Ineed Every Help You Got Guys
Honestly I'm not an expert, and I can't tell you if that .me.uk extension is that valuable. But if you are getting offers, then why not sell one and see what happens? Maybe you can even develop some an d sell it later for even more money.
yes id like to buy all, but im dont have enough money, so i need to do the best choice
comment-domain Wrote:yes id like to buy all, but im dont have enough money, so i need to do the best choice

Oh! I thought you had them already! Then you are the one that should decide. To me the extensions are not too popular, but maybe in the UK they are. In any case, good luck deciding.
Hey, I also agree that although the extensions might not sound so popular, maybe in a local way thet are. Why don't you make a research with people from UK to see what they think about it. Good luck!!!!
Hard to say....
But here's my view in order of what I will reg 1st .org, .mobi, .info, .tv, .me.uk

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