How about medical domains?
Due to something very sad, I've been looking up certain information related to some illnesses. I was wondering if someone has actually developed something related with the medical field or some sickness... Are those sites proffitable? Just curious, because I've found a lot of sites in the field.
Well this is great idea because only few website which give these types of informations. It also better for owner because he will get big money from ads from Adsense.
They attract major advertising which makes them profitable
I have a medical design website with speciality surgeons in mind, if that is what you mean. I find that web design is oversaturated as it is, and while I feel we got SOME business from specializing, it is still a general fight for a piece of the pie. I find that there is little information on the internet regarding Lymphomas, that might be an idea.
Hey Gigi ! Can you share your link with us? It would be great to see your site.Smile
The more of a specialty site, the more you can get for ads. It's like everything else: supply and demand.
I agree about the having a specific name or illness domain. People that are going through it can use the site and get helpful information. Medicines and current treatment in the U.S. and Europe would be good too.
If you would like: go to Medical Web Site Design for the Medical Industry And let me know what you think!
I like it. Did you design it yourself? If so you did an outstanding job and should be proud.
No I did not, that honor would go to B. Tritton. He is an excellent designer and a trained artist; he puts his heart and soul into all projects. HIghly recommended!

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