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Hello guys and gals. Anyone here using the free .tk domain? I read their site for the part of "why it is free" and it says :-
Simple: you get a free domain name, we'll put an optional advertisement on your website. Don't worry, the advertisement can be easily removed FOR FREE in most countries. You can also remove the advertisement by either paying for the domain (and obtain the actual license right of the domain) or by sending in a SMS by mobile telephone if you live in the United Kingdom, Italy, Belgium, Netherlands, Spain or Germany.
Anyone tried it before? Has it been good? Or just like any other TLD? Could it possibly get a high ranking it major search engines too? Well, I hardly come across these TLD in SE search result. What about you?
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To my knowledge or memory, I've never seen one! I laughed when I saw the SMS part because everything over here tends to revolve around text messaging!
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I hadnt heard about that. But remember "Theres nothing free in this world"
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tex89 Wrote:But remember "Theres nothing free in this world"
I totally agree. I'm sure when you read the fine print, the hidden charges will be in there somewhere. Every business wants something from their customers; it might not be now, but it will be for sure in the future!!

I would ask a lot of specific questions before I join.
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Yup, there are some drawbacks:
Tech info Blog!: .TK
It's true you don't come across these domains much. I suspect this is the reason why. There's too much baggage attached to the free version to make it worthwhile for much development and the paid version costs the same as a .com.
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I visited a few tk sites a long time ago, and my only recollection was they were very slow.
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There is a free one but it has restrictions.
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There are always the bottom line in these free domains. Are they giving names of people using them that you could contact? And then there are websites that have their own cheering sections. And as soon as you join there's a drawback or lie.
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10-28-2006, 07:07 PM
(This post was last modified: 10-28-2006, 07:11 PM by ishan.)
I had a .tk before . Address was . It was just used by me to point to my website - . This was sometime in March . At that time it was a great service , because they had no advertisements & it was totally free (no smsing & stuff) . The only drawback was that it never got indexed by google. They had just an inactivity limit at that time - you lose the domain if you have less than 25 visitors in 1 month.
I havent used it since all the advertisement stuff began coz i now 2 TLDs & dont see the need for it.
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I don't like it because it's just a redirect. All the pages come out which I can't stand. I tried them for a bit but not the best service. Also, advertisement entering page, bar at top, AND 2 pop-ups...