Adsense Revenue Sharing.. Against TOS?

A few forums allow adsense revenue sharing. Users get paid half of the adsense revenue for clicks in their threads. Some sites encrypt the adsense URLs to prevent you from clicking on your own ads.

I was wondering, is sharing revenue against the TOS. A few people I know have been using it have had their account banned, and they were only using their adsense account for revenue sharing.

Any thoughts?

I am pretty sure it is not against the TOS as long as multiple publisher ids do not show up on the same page.
instead of sharing, you could use put a split-test in place and rotate pages with the same content but diff adsense ids to viewers.

i'm sure that'll satisfy the TOS
I dont think thats illigal.
I saw a letter . The forum owner said thats from google adsense staff when i asked is it legal or not.
There are some websites that do that for bloggers. is one. When you sign up for the Adsense account you list the website. Writing Up, at least, seems quite large, so Google has to know what's going on. It doesn't seem to be a problem.
on the subject of adsense, check out full time blogger ShoeMoney's last cheque from Google in Sept 2005.
Adsense Check

subsequently he got them to wire the money direct to his account.
(presumably the amounts were getting on the larger side).

nice inspiration, isn't it?
Inspiring? Or just tiring? I know how hard I work for the little money I get, how many hours must he have put in to get that big? Yes, yes, I know all about working smarter, but you got to work longer first before you get smart! Cool
well, it depends on how you go about it.

if you're using automation tools like RSS2Blog, you can easily maintain 1,000 blogs.

none of the heavy hitter adsense bloggers work long hours as far as i'm aware, though the key differentiating factor is that they have massive leverage.

it really depends whether you're adopting a sole propriertorship mentality or leveraging on automation to get the results you want.
Paula62 Wrote:I know how hard I work for the little money I get, how many hours must he have put in to get that big?

I was thinking the same thing as I was planning my day, trying to figure out a systematic way to get done everything I have to do. I realized that I was putting in more time than I did when I worked outside full time and for a lot less money. When I made just a little bit of money, I was thrilled. Smile
one suggestion.
develop a system.

if you can build up a blog or domain very easily, in very little time and for less investment, and you are able to successfully systematize it, then you can easily replicate it over and over again (using automation or outsourcing to someone at and getting them to follow the system).

you'd be surprised but great empires are built on the backs on some really simple ideas, magnified by a huge scale.

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