Chikita, Adsense or Yahoo?
No real experience here either. But I sure would be intrested in how this turns out, Echos
A friend of mine told me that adsense was a lot better than Yahoo Publisher. I can't tell from personal experience, since I am very new at this. I hope to hear more about this topic from other people.
I really don't like the chitka ads. They always say. Get a date tonight, Cheat on Poker, Make WOW gold, cheat cheat cheat, etc. Not very appealing to me. I like the adsense most of all of them.
Adsense pays well per click, and so does clicksor. I only switched to adsense after clicksor because clicksor ads can be very slow at times :/
I was just checking on the differences between Google and Yahoo. Yahoo offered me a promotion when I was submitting to their free directory. It was about click ads and for a limited time I could run at a minimum offer of 5 cents and that their regular is 10 cents minimum. I think Google is at 5 cent minimum already and a minimum of 5.00 dollars a month? I have my ad all set up, but not funded yet.
How is chikita work..isn't that reserved for sites with 1 million visitors or more?
Adsense is supposedly the best ads out there. Littlefranciscan is right, you can only sign up to Chikita if you have a whole lot of traffic. But I do hear it is great if you qualify!
What if you don't qualify for the big ones like: Yahoo, chitika or adsense..what is left..what is there for newer sites that are still picking up momentum???
I like how adsense's ads are always relative to the website. Bidvertiser ads are way of subject and clicksor ads are sometimes too.
Adsense rocks big time. I use it for my blog and I even made some extra cash on the side. I heard mixed reviews about Chikita and I don't have experience with Yahoo.

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