02-03-2007, 03:44 AM
Fancy a read?
Survey: Are domain registrars free-speech friendly? - page 6 | CNET News.com
My take is it's high time people start being responsible by being aware, and
being aware by being responsible. You don't want to wait for someone else
to do that for you.
Start reading your registrars' fine prints and asking questions. Don't forget
that YOU are responsible for the choices you make.
Survey: Are domain registrars free-speech friendly? - page 6 | CNET News.com
My take is it's high time people start being responsible by being aware, and
being aware by being responsible. You don't want to wait for someone else
to do that for you.
Start reading your registrars' fine prints and asking questions. Don't forget
that YOU are responsible for the choices you make.