Finding a niche
Do you have a niche in this market?
How did you developed it?
Do you have any tried and true tips for marketing to prospective clients?

This seems like a forum with an abundance of knowledge to share and build a great community knowledge base.
You are so right there is a wealth of info here. I am a newbie, but learning fast. My only experience has been with the Yahoo Domains and Web pages, so this is very much a learning experience for me as well. What are your intrests and were do fit in to this forum? Echos
I agree with you both that this forum is an excellent resource for those of us who are still learning. I'm glad I found this site because there is so much to learn!
I have to admit I too still have a great deal to learn. Research has been a key to getting some understanding of the business. Yahoo Domain and Web pages are next on my list of place to check out. Thanks Echo.
I am learning. I don't think I have a niche. This site has been a great asset to what I would like to do, it all takes time, right?
I have a couple niches, but haven't really learned how to effectively market them. Any suggestions would be welcome!
Learning is a lifetime process. As far as a niche, I prefer to work with what I like. It's not always as profitable as going with something that just pays well, but at least I can get stuff done without it feeling like work.
I'm with you, hossierhunter. I would rather make less and work with something I love and have a passion for than work with something I have no passion for and make a little extra money.
Isn't just about anything out there technically a niche? I mean, it's exclusive because not everyone is on the same page (or even on the same planet) about it. Dunno though. What do you all think? I kind of fall into everything I do.
A niche is a selected group of some sort. Logically anything can be categorized, Fish. But for the web, niche has a lot to do with marketing and audience targeting.

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