Free Domain .tk ?
It certainly get annoying, all of the pop-ups and advertisements. Sad That's why, it's worth getting paid hosting/domain, the extra $6 or $7 a month can go a long way. Wink
Yeah that is really annoying.
I was using .tk some times before for a torrent site. But I wont used than again ever. is better than that.
Well I guess I would want a clean looking domain too. The pop ups are distracting and when you pay a little money to take care of those it makes sense.
This is actually the first I have heard of .tk. I will definately stay away from that. I hate pop-ups and I hate "free" when really it isn't free, especially if they close you down if you don't get 25 hits in one month.
If you pay them then they will remove banner and definately will not close your domain even if you didnt get any visitor I think.
Ladybecklyn Wrote:This is actually the first I have heard of .tk. I will definately stay away from that. I hate pop-ups and I hate "free" when really it isn't free, especially if they close you down if you don't get 25 hits in one month.

Yeah, that's really annoying. All you really have to do is visit your sight once a month and it will stay up.
It would seem that is defeats the purpose if you are generating your own hits by Wouldn't you want someone else to visit. I guess that would be okay if it were new and free. So you can still purchase it afterwards? I thought .tk was free and stays that way.....any ideas as to if I am right?
In case of business website, you should avoid free domains. If you have a simple famiy website or other than business, .tk is not so bad.
These free domains are pointed to Tokelau nameservers. It basically just redirects HTTP traffic via HTML frames to a specific page.
In spite of .tk saying that you can remove these advertisements for free, many users are unfortunately unable to remove them.
I agree to most of the people who say that reliabilty and accuracy is questionable.
And as far as i'm concerned, you must get 25 visits in 90 days, not in one month.

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