Domain Extensions
The most popular extension is .com. And in case of availability of this extension, it is highly encouraged to always prefer it. But extension names do not really matter or it doesn't affect rankings for SEO purposes.
I usually put .org after .com. .net can be useful in certain cases for certain industries.
Even i prefer the same as seosunny. But many .com domains are not available. So i either go for .org or change my domain name. I get my domains at TheWebPole at reasonable cost. I also backorder my domains if it is not available.
hallo all of u
The newest web extensions are explained below. . . select a particular domain extension that you would like to learn more about from the list below.
Extensions are categories of Internet domain names. There are several of them to choose from:

* .com represents the word "commercial," and is the most widely used extension in the world. Most businesses prefer a .com domain name because it is a highly recognized symbol for having a business presence on the Internet.
* .net represents the word "network," and is most commonly used by Internet service providers, Web-hosting companies or other businesses that are directly involved in the infrastructure of the Internet. Additionally, some businesses choose domain names with a .net extension for their intranet Websites.
* .org represents the word "organization," and is primarily used by non-profits groups or trade associations.
* .biz is used for small business Web sites.
* .info is for credible resource Web sites and signifies a "resource" web site. It's the most popular extension beyond .com, .net and .org.
* .mobi (short for "mobile") is reserved for Web sites built for easy viewing on mobile devices.
* .us is for American Web sites and is the newest extension. It has the largest amount of available names in inventory.
* .cc was originally the country code for Coco's Keeling Islands. It is unrestricted and may be registered by anyone, from any country.
* .bz was originally designated as the country code for Belize, but is now commonly used by small business who can't get the name they want using the .biz extension. It is unrestricted and may be registered by anyone, from any country.
* .tv is for rich content/multi-media Web sites, commonly used within the entertainment or media industry.
* .vg is the country code for the British Virgin Islands. It is unrestricted and may be registered by anyone, from any country.
* .ws was originally designated as the country code for Western Samoa, but is now commonly used as an acronym for "Web sites." It is unrestricted and may be registered by anyone, from any country.
* .name is the only domain extension specifically designed for personal use. It is commonly used for easy to remember e-mail addresses and personal web sites that display photos or personal information about an individual.
* is the country code for United Kingdom. The .co portion of the extension indicates the domain name is for commercial purposes (similar to a standard .com extension). It is unrestricted and may be registered by anyone, from any country.
* is the country code for United Kingdom. The .org portion of the extension indicates the domain name is for an organization. It is unrestricted and may be registered by anyone, from any country.
* is the country code for United Kingdom. The .me portion of the extension indicates the domain name is for an individual. It is unrestricted and may be registered by anyone, from any country.
* .de is the country code for Germany. It is unrestricted and may be registered by anyone, from any country. If you are not a resident and citizen of Germany, the Administrative Contact for this domain name registration will automatically be assigned Network Solutions' German proxy contact information.
* .eu is the country code for the European Union. Registration of .eu domain names requires registrants to meet one of the three eligibility requirements: have a registered office, central administration or principal place of business within the European Community; have an organization established within the European Community without prejudice to the application of national law; or be a natural person resident within the European Community. Alternatively, you can secure the use of a .eu domain name by using Network Solutions .EU Registration Service. Network Solutions Europe, LLC is the registrar for all .eu domain names. Click here for more information.
* .be is the country code for Belgium. It is unrestricted and may be registered by anyone, from any country.
* .cn is the country code for China. It may be registered by businesses, organizations and sole proprietorships from any country.

[COLOR="Navy"]I think .com domain extensions are ok. Because, I prefer it, too. Many are using it and would like it because it is more popular. Smile

I also use .com domains, and they are good!!![/COLOR]

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