Status of .org?
Ok guys, we are quite aware that google is placing more "weight" on certain domians with "trust-worthy" extension like .gov, .edu . What about .org then?? I thought it was in good eye-sight in google "weighting scale" until not long ago it was sort of spammed and flooded with "specially made for google PR" site couping up and abuse the .org extention.

So is google still placing more weight in .org extention? or no longer consider it as "trust-worthy? anymore?
That's interesting, and I don't have a clue. The .org urls are very easy to get so while they originally may have made a trusting impression, anyone who has ever bought a domain has seen that they are available. We are so used to .com addresses that those are the ones I want because it's still easier for most people to remember.
I think they are still looked upon as trustworthy. Many actual organizations use it so it is given a second look by most.
I know that it is pretty standard for trademark names to be registered under .org (as well as everything else under the sun) but in real life I rarely run across a .org site that is actually active on that domain that is something other than a non-profit. So I certainly hope google takes it into account, but I also hope commercial websites don't start popping on that domain.
Although I have seen normal websites that had the .org extension, I do also tend to "trust" them more. I wouldn't know about what Google thinks of it though.
Actually according to Matt Cutts of Google there is no special weight given to .TLDs. Some .gov and .edu sites have good page rank and authority, simply because they are knowledgable, publicized and well-linked sites considered authorities. The extension is not a part of the equation.

Take that for what it is worth.
Yes that is true; however I was thinking (or maybe just under the impression) that it would work better through the mentality of the general public. If the public see a .edu for an education school, they may be inclined to take it more seriously.
my admittedly personal experience with .edu is that they rarely have info useful to the general public, and so I've quit clicking on those first. the .edu results usually wind up being soem info specific to students or employees at that school.
Maybe cus .org = .com = .net
Is that an equation I don't know the answer to? My experience with the .org was a non-profit web site that had it. It was easy to remember.

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