Thanks for the light up Zach. I posted a message pertaining my situation both at and . So far yet to receive reply from chokertraffic yet (most likely he has been busy with all good sales

) However, Ravo from fpctraffic2 replied. His site is currently unable to accept my application yet as some of my sites (in my whole network) are non-english site. Well, he only accept english sites at the moment.
Nevertheless, Ravo has pointed me to another ads network ( which accept traffic from china and chinese speaking countries. I just send my enquiry, hopefully will get some positive reply. Will update and share if they do reply.
In the meantime, I bump into ( a division of yesadvertising ). Well, they do pay by CPM!! and they have accepted my whole network of sites including non-english sites. The condition is that I'll need to "audit" my own sites to ensure no illegal contents in them. Pheeww...this is quite a tedious task for me, as I have about 200 active sites at the moment (mostly built and forget type, just to capture any potential traffic from SE

...I think my post is getting long, to sum up, these are the finding so far for CPM solution for my case :-
1. PayPopUp - $up to max $1.80 (for UK and US traffic), the rest of countries varies from 50cents to 25cents.
2. chokertraffic -- pending more info, with various rate depending on "type" (blog, freesite, gallery...etc)
3. fpctraffic2 - $3 (only english site)
4. jadebucks - pending reply, limited info obtained.
Thanks for reading guys. Share with us if you are also having the same situation as mine.:p