Mass building of minisites targetting PPC revenue??
Hello members,
I am just havig this crazy idea..not sure if someone out there has actually did it before? or already doing it?

Ok, we are well aware that in most cases, our sites got to "fight" with tens of thousands of sites in SERP. If we intend to generate substantial revenue thru PPC program, then we'll need to be able to capture a huge amount of traffic if the CTR is low (eg only 1% to 3% ).

So, instead of having just some limited number of sites...lets says just 10sites, to fight the war of SERP and pulling in the traffic from major SE is like an egg heading for stone if compare to those gigantic sites. What if we build more sites?? I mean...bulk building sites in term of hundreds if not thousands of sites??!

If we were to calculate the possibilities of having a huge amount of "army" fighting to grab traffic from SE, wouldn't it stand a better chance compare to just a few soldiers/sites??:p

Just a thought...a crazy thought?
Well, technically, it is very possible. You can even buy adsense template sites, with all the content premade, and all you have to do is put your adsense code on it.

Financially, it is more risky. If you pay $3 for the hosting of each site, each site has to make over $3 for it to be worthwhile. If you have thousands of sites, chances are they wont bey very high quality, and then wont have high rankings (old content, possibly replicated, low visitor count, low inbound links, etc).

I say you are better off focusing all your efforts on a single, potentially massive, site.
there are a number of adsense gurus like peter drew and kelvin hui, who have in excess of 1,000 websites each, focused on adsense revenue.

they pull in monthly adsense revenue in the region of six figures.

regarding hosting, if you have a reseller account, you can potentially host 100 websites for $4.95 monthly.

check out:

the acct has 5gb of space, 100gb of bandwidth.
you can use subdirectories or subdomains to optimize for SEO and do blogging to pull in the traffic and use adsense blending to maximize click throughs.

i know a number of guys who are pulling in $50/day consistently through adsense.

(this is an example of 'product posting') can be adapted to product blogging easily.
That is one way to go for sure and some people are succesful with it. A lot of people are not though, because it is a hugely frustrating road as you wait for pennies a day to try and add up.

Personally I have been down that road and moved on. I am more interested in capturing users for the long-haul as that is where the real big money is going to be going forward. Disposable access is nice for now, but it is a passing fancy.
It's the root of the adsense problem for me. Like you, I want longer term users who I can cultivate for revenue and for content. I burned out on looking at adsense results. For me, the amount of time expended dealing with it wasn't commensurate with the returns!
Hi everyone,
Lately has been little bit busy re-aligning my overall strategy for my network. I see some reports and analysis that were pretty inspiring and encouraging. But one important thing is the "consistency" in carrying out the overall plan and strategy.

I have some deep thoughts about building an army of minisites to collect traffic from search engine little by little for each minisites. With a growing number of such sites, the total traffic volume could indeed be considerable. Not only for adsense, it could also be "utilized" for similiar PPC campaign too.

I might need to start the preparation soon. There are actually quite some homework to do.
btw, you may want to check out this product RSStoBlog at

Some of the adsense guys who're using it for autoblogging are generating substantial 6 or 7 figure income from it.
the bigger guys may own as many as 10,000 sites.

a quick comparison: blogs generated much more income than traditional websites, because they can ride on ping services based on XML-RPC, and often have higher alexa and google PR rankings.

based on 10,000 hits a day and 5% adsense CTR rate, you're looking at 500 CTRs a day.
and if you have 1000 of such blogs....
In other words, it's a good idea but someone has already capitalized on it?

I've seen some wonderful looking sites that were obviously made for Adsense. After a while they get easier to spot and ever more annoying. That's probably not the type of site under discussion here but I wanted to throw this in, just in case. I think the people making money from those sites are the ones selling the templates and hosting.
My big moral dilema is I hate web spam. I despise it with all my being, so it is hard for me to be a contributor to something I hate so much, even if it would make me money.
Well, I would agreed to some extend that it is indeed like "spamming" the web with those "MFA" sites. They are not really offering good information. But I could easily bump into these type of sites these days, and looking at the revenue these guys are making per just keep me thinking and thinking non-stop.:o

But, with $5k per month, it could feed my whole family every month! Me + My wife + My baby son. Nope, I ma not yet producing these type of sites yet, but I do believe it will takes some back-end homeworks and researches to be carry out before actually going for it. These guys aren't just go and build it without a clear guide behind their back...they have a clear strategy!

Now, if we could learn a little bit of their strategy....heheee

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