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  Any Pay Per Search Ads Network?
Posted by: llegent - 08-03-2006, 08:01 PM - Forum: PPC / CPC / Affiliate Programs - Replies (1)

Looking thru Google Search Box that some sites are having, when someone perform search using the box, and actually click on the link at the result page, the webmaster earned some CPC from google. What if they don't click on any link on the result page? Well, webmaster earn nothing isn't it??!

So, would there be some ads network that actually offer Pay Per Search model?? Meaning, whether or not a visitor click on the link listed on the result page, the webmaster has earned as long as the visitor perform a search query using the ads network's search utility??

Would there be such company offering this monetization option for webmasters?? Anyone could help to provide more information if they do found this type of ads network?


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  Parsing RSS Feed into your site as new content?
Posted by: llegent - 08-03-2006, 07:46 PM - Forum: Search Engines and Marketing - Replies (15)

Hello members,
I had a look at one of my site just now. It really look empty and "small" in term of the pages available (less than 15 pages at the moment)Sad. I am really concerned that it could only be possible to get "That Much" of pages being indexed by major search engines.

Instead of trying to come out with content, what if I were to create a section where I could parse RSS feeds into it, and create new pages evreyday?? Well, by doing this, it helps in enabling more pages created to be indexed in SE, and increase the chances of receiving traffic from search engines for my site isn't it?

How and what do you guys do to get more pages created for your general website??:p

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  New folder or New Sub-Domain ?
Posted by: llegent - 08-03-2006, 07:24 PM - Forum: Search Engines and Marketing - Replies (7)

Hi everyone, this few days are actually pretty tight for me as I am rebuilding one of my directory site. While doing that, I was having some questions pertaining to SEO related...thus I have opened a few threads in this section to seek some inputs.

Here, I would like to seek some views pertaining to creating either a new folder or new sub-domains for a new section of my site. To some, it is a better option to create a new folder for this new section which is to be built upon. It is like a expansions of the original site.

However, there are also some other that viewed it as a sub-domain is actually treated as a "domain" n the eye of SE. Thus it could actually contributes much more weight to the original site in term of SERP compare to a "folder", eg potential google PR contribution.

How has your experience in this?:confused:

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  How do you input your Meta Tags?
Posted by: llegent - 08-03-2006, 07:16 PM - Forum: Search Engines and Marketing - Replies (6)

Ok guys, I would like to ask for some inputs and sharing in some SEO area. When we input our keyword(s) in those meta tags, eg :-
1. Title Tag
2. Descriptions Tag
3. Keyword Tag
4. Alt Tag
5. Hn Tag..etc

How do you guys actually place the word(s)? Would it be like :-
1. keyword1,keyword2,keyword3 ? (small cap, without spacing) or
2. Keyword1,Keyword2,Keyword3 ? (Cap, without spacing) or
3. keyword1, keyword2, keyword3 ? (small cap, with spacing after coma) or
4. Keyword1, Keyword2, Keyword3 ?(Cap, with spacing after come) or
5. keyword1 keyword2 keyword3 ? (small cap, without coma, and become a continuous phrase) or
6. Keyword1 Keyword2 Keyword3 ? (Cap, without coma)

Which is the actual or correct one??:confused:

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  Would validating your site helps in SERP??
Posted by: llegent - 08-03-2006, 01:14 PM - Forum: Search Engines and Marketing - Replies (1)

Ok, I think majority of webmasters have a good idea of what is it about in validating their website to be compliance with the "standard" . Most common one would probably be the http://validator.w3.org/ .

Nevertheless, would it really help in your site's SERP after you have follow all the guides and be in compliance with W3C ??:confused:

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  Is having PPC ads suitable for your ecommerce site??
Posted by: llegent - 08-03-2006, 12:54 PM - Forum: PPC / CPC / Affiliate Programs - Replies (8)

Hi, everyone has been on the rush to displaying PPC ads on their site, especially having Adsense. However, I wonder if you were to have an ecommerce site selling merchandises to your visitors, would it be suitable to display these ads??

Well, if visitors were to click on the ads, they will be drawn away from yor site aren't they?? and that could mean you have probably "lost" a potential customer right??

Have anyone experience such situation?? or is currently displaying PPC ads on their ecommerce site?? Kind to share?:p

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  Location of Host's IP could affect SERP??
Posted by: llegent - 08-03-2006, 12:26 PM - Forum: Web Hosting - Replies (2)

Hi everyone! Good day.
Ok, I noticed that there has been some requests from clients looking for web hosting service, they would emphasis that the server ought to be located in US. They would not prefer those located in other region especially in Asia countries.Sad

This has make me wonder :- Would the location of server or host could possibly affect your site's SERP?? Or is it just an un-proven myth?? or most people just have the idea that US based host/data center are much competent in handling server support issues?:confused:

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  Who is behind nameserver of "PendingRenewalDeletion.com" ?
Posted by: llegent - 08-02-2006, 07:57 AM - Forum: Domain Discussion - Replies (4)

Ok, when we conduct WHOIS check on a particular domain status, we could see these :-

EPP Status: clientDeleteProhibited
EPP Status: clientUpdateProhibited
EPP Status: clientTransferProhibited
Just wondering, who is the one behind the scene that's managing the nameserver for "NS2.PENDINGRENEWALDELETION.COM and NS1.PENDINGRENEWALDELETION.COM ??

Or it is just plug in from somewhere by whois?:p or it is belonging to ICANN?

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  Worth consolidating domain payments?
Posted by: triumph - 08-01-2006, 11:58 PM - Forum: Domain Discussion - No Replies

Someone showed me that Go Daddy has the ability to take all your domain payments and basically charge you monthly for all of them so you don't have this up and down month payments based on when you registered them.

Does anyone have any advice on this? I might like this, just because I would have a steady monthly bill instead of one month renewing 2 domains and the next month 20.

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  Linking a bunch of sites together hosted under same IP?
Posted by: llegent - 08-01-2006, 05:28 PM - Forum: Search Engines and Marketing - No Replies

Hello there. I have this thinking :- what would the possible effect if I were to build a bunch of sites under my server with same IP (of course), and just link all of them together? meaning, I will place inter-links among them at their respective home page, let's say at the footer area or side bar section.

Would major search engine see it as hat trick?? especially google?? Or would they take it as effective back links??:p

Anyone tried this before?

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