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  DS is hiring marketers
Posted by: zach - 08-05-2006, 08:08 PM - Forum: Announcements - Replies (14)


I am looking for people to advertise Domain Social across blogs, forums and other community sites. You may have to create accounts at sites before you can post. If you are already a member at a site, feel free to post links using your username. You can point users on high traffic sites and on high pr sites to our forum, in order to help us grow.


Links must be active (clickable).

You may have many links in each post, but I will only pay per post (not per link).

Do not spam boards, or post empty links back to Domain Social. You should try to point users to useful and relevant information on domain social (such as specific threads), or inform them that the forum exists. Also, do not post many links to Domain Social on the same site (as a general rule, please keep the posts less than three/3).

Comments that refer to the Domain Social link should be informative and relevant (the goal is to entice users to visit us). Please keep all comments over 10 words (this should be the absolute minimum!)

If you own a site on which you post a link, this does not qualify. If you are not sure, please ask.

Please send me the address of the link/post on the day that you add it. This way I can keep track of the progress.


I will be paying US$0.20 per post (with link) .
Paypal only.

If you are interested, please PM me or reply to this thread.

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  Save The Internet
Posted by: sub-zero - 08-05-2006, 04:00 AM - Forum: Domain Development - Replies (15)


Quote:Congress is pushing a law that would abandon the Internet's First Amendment -- a principle called Network Neutrality that prevents companies like AT&T, Verizon and Comcast from deciding which Web sites work best for you -- based on what site pays them the most. If the public doesn't speak up now, our elected officials will cave to a multi-million dollar lobbying campaign.

How This Effects You -->
Past Abuses

AT&T Chief Whitacre Sticks to the Script

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  Does Fabulous pay for CPM ??
Posted by: llegent - 08-04-2006, 06:11 PM - Forum: PPC / CPC / Affiliate Programs - Replies (6)

Hi everyone,
Ok, I have yet to join Fabulous. I am wondering, with Adsense going for CPM too, is Fabulous paying for CPM also?? On their site, it says :-

Quote:...typically an average $42 to $100 CPM for commercial type-in domains (varying on the quality of the portfolio).

So do they really pay for CPM?? How has the rate been? or they are refering to "eCPM" ?

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  Finding out who bidding the "keyword" in google adword?
Posted by: llegent - 08-04-2006, 05:58 PM - Forum: PPC / CPC / Affiliate Programs - Replies (1)

Hi everyone,
I wonder if the is a way for us to actually know who is bidding the keyword that we are targeting in google? Like Overture, we could easily know who is actually bidding the keyword and their maximum bid price too.

But in google, we can only guess isn't it?? We have no clear indication of the maximum bid price especially. So how do you guys actually find out these information for google adword?

Any tips??

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  Singular or Plural for META tags??
Posted by: llegent - 08-04-2006, 05:03 PM - Forum: Search Engines and Marketing - Replies (9)

Hi guys,
Apology if I ask too many questions about SEO things these few days. I am working on my directory site, it has been re-build just few days ago.

Ok, I would like to target some keywords for this site, but looking at the list of keyword's choice, it just stumble upon me that there could possibly be an instance where both singular and plural keywords could be used by surfers online.

So, do I just input the singular version?? Or I have to include both version??

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  Re-direct old page to new page?
Posted by: llegent - 08-04-2006, 04:43 PM - Forum: Search Engines and Marketing - Replies (2)

Hi everyone,
I am intending to revamp several old pages for one of my site into totally new pages, they will be having new url path. Next step, what would be the best way to retain the google PR from old pages to new ones?

Would doing 301 redirect could solve the problem? I understand that 301 redirect could help to solve the problem of old pages from being "Not Found" But what about the google PR? would it be able to get "transfered" to the new pages??


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  Celebrity Name DOmain??
Posted by: llegent - 08-04-2006, 03:01 PM - Forum: Domain Name Appraisals - Replies (21)

Just wondering if anyone has tried to reap some returns in speculating celebrity name domains?? How has it been? Well, from time to time, I could see that such celebrities related domains being registered not by the celebrity themselves, but more often by some domainers.Rolleyes So how has it been??:p

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  Product Blogging..?
Posted by: zach - 08-04-2006, 01:51 PM - Forum: PPC / CPC / Affiliate Programs - Replies (9)

I was reading an article about "product blogging", here:


Having webmastered many merchandise sites, I am not sure how this can work. It would be great if someone could explain it. If you dedicate a blog to a single product, is the idea to get paid per sale or per click to the seller's site?

Has anyone tried this, and if so, what was the revenue like?



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Posted by: vicki2 - 08-04-2006, 10:18 AM - Forum: Domain Discussion - Replies (3)

I read an interesting article about this site in yesterday's Telegraph. It was a company started in 1996 which was a posting board for jobs for univeristy graduates. The guy borrowed money on credit cards to start it up and it's done well. So well, that there's something of a bidding war going on for it right now. The price is up to 20 million pounds and rising daily.

Nice dream, huh?

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  Mass building of minisites targetting PPC revenue??
Posted by: llegent - 08-04-2006, 10:17 AM - Forum: PPC / CPC / Affiliate Programs - Replies (9)

Hello members,
I am just havig this crazy idea..not sure if someone out there has actually did it before? or already doing it?

Ok, we are well aware that in most cases, our sites got to "fight" with tens of thousands of sites in SERP. If we intend to generate substantial revenue thru PPC program, then we'll need to be able to capture a huge amount of traffic if the CTR is low (eg only 1% to 3% ).

So, instead of having just some limited number of sites...lets says just 10sites, to fight the war of SERP and pulling in the traffic from major SE is like an egg heading for stone if compare to those gigantic sites. What if we build more sites?? I mean...bulk building sites in term of hundreds if not thousands of sites??!

If we were to calculate the possibilities of having a huge amount of "army" fighting to grab traffic from SE, wouldn't it stand a better chance compare to just a few soldiers/sites??:p

Just a thought...a crazy thought?

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