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Posted by: Chris - 06-29-2006, 03:14 PM - Forum: Domain Names Wanted - Replies (8)

Hey can somebody offer me sex.com? I'm willing to pay upto $100.

If not, I'd settle for porn.com.

Thanks Big Grin

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  Domain Social Rules
Posted by: zach - 06-29-2006, 02:33 PM - Forum: Announcements - Replies (17)

Domain Social is a community which revolves around interest in domain names. Some of us are professionals, some of us are academics and some of us are simply hobbyists. By taking part in this community, we ask that the following rules are observed.

General Rules:

  • Follow Netiquette - See here for general guidelines as to how to act in this (and most) forums. Although these are not binding 'rules', members are expected to apply them in good faith.
  • Help others - If you have useful or helpful information, it's appreciated by everyone if you share it. If a member asks a question to which you know the answer, help them instead of insulting them.
  • Stay on topic - The forum categorisation was organised for a reason! Please observe it (e.g. ask questions about PPC in the PPC forum and start domain auctions in the auction forum).
  • Do not Spam - You may not spam or flood the boards. This means that a post should only be posted once throughout the board, and should neither be repeated in the same forum or in another forum.
  • Single usernames - Only one username per person is accepted.
  • Read the rules - Each forum may have its own rules. Please read these before posting. They are generally "common sense" rules.

Sale Rules:
  • Leave Feedback - After a transaction, please leave feedback/reputation for the buyer/seller/trader. This helps build the community and helps other members in the community with their own transactions.
  • Follow Categorization - All sales should be kept to the Marketplace threads. In general, all advertising should be kept within the Marketplace threads. Advertising your services or products in the discussion threads is not allowed.
  • Settle Disputes - Do not post public accusations of negative character or reputation without significant evidence against the buyer or the seller. Instead, report questionable sales to the moderators. The Domain Social staff will look into it.
  • One Thread per Product - There should only be one thread open per name or service that you are selling. For instance, should you put a domain up for sale in the Fixed Price/Offer forum, you should not sell the same name simultaneously in the Auction forum (or in any other forum). This does NOT mean that you must group all of your names/services in to a single thread!
  • Read Rules - Each sale forum has its own specific rules. These provide guidelines and rules for sellers and buyers. Please read and follow them.

Advertising & Spam Rules:

  • Adertising - If you create a thread or post for the sake of advertising your service, you may do this in the 'Advertise and Hire' section. You may not do this in other parts of the forum, or it will be considered as spam.
  • Affiliate IDs - If you choose to provide a link with your affiliate ID in it, please inform users that the link is an affiliate link.
  • Say it's advertising - If you are advertising, tell people that you are. Do not post a link in the forum to your service pretending that it is not yours. This includes posting fake 3rd-party reviews of your service. This is considered as spam.

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