I read that with the enormous popularity of blog domains that the next thing will be to have a .wiki domain which will be much like wikipedia in that it is completely interactive.

Has anyone explored these .wiki registrations yet?
I havent ever heard about this before, but it definately sounds interesting. There are so many blogs, and blogs are so different from other types of sites, that I think its a good idea to have a wiki domain. It shows visitors right away that it's a blog.

When is this planned to be released?
emm...this could very well sparks off another round of domain craze!! I believe domainers will be rushing to register those generic and dictionary names!:eek: Any further information on where and how to register such domains? What about the cost of registration??

As wikipedia is still hot as the moment, this might very well drive up the .wiki domain name! Speed is crucial in grabbing a nice domain name!!Big Grin
I couldn't find out when they will be coming on the market, although it is thought that it is soon. Meanwhile, people are snapping up things like wikihosting.com, etc. Wonder if the google law will impact those?

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