legionbox.com vs planethoster.com
Which server is better to sign up with - legionbox.com or planethoster.com?
I know CoinsHosting.com is an extremely proficient web host and usually manages to answer support tickets in 10 minutes or less.
They're cheap, bandwidth is plenty and domains unlimited but you get what you pay for! Recommend their Netherlands dedicated servers.
Use coupon: COINSHOSTING-DEDICATED (10% OFF) for dedicated servers.
If you ask me, I like GTHost.com Canada servers. With increased speed, your website will also have these potential benefits.
For just $5/day you can enjoy the full experience of dedicated instant servers then, once your trial is over, you’ll have the option to choose a different trial or to start a contract.
I was pleasantly impressed by the quality of NetShop Isp dedicated servers:
- patient sales representative who explained me everything in details and found a good hosting fit for my needs,
- really fast speed connectivity (my site's visitors are happy with speed load of pages).
These companies - legionbox.com as well as planethoster.com - are solid and reliable enough to sign up with.
Very good services and support with low rate are available from them.
Check out NeironVPS.com dedicated packages. The network and server uptime are quite good - these guys provide exceptional speed connectivity.
These hosting companies: legionbox.com and planethoster.com are worth trying.
Great hosting. Excellent prices. I have never had any trouble with the hosting. Anything I need to update, I am told in advance. The customer service is great. Waiting period is not very long. Help is there at your service 24/7. When needed, their reps have walked me through the steps and resolved the issue at hand. Fast, efficient and there for you.
Try Hostingsource.com. Host is open for anyone who is curious about the service. They contact me every week and ask if everything is running efficiently. I like this.
Value for what I'm receiving is excellent. Dedicated- 50% first month discount: https://hostingsource.com/dedicated-servers-promo/

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