Why do you do this
What is it about the domain business that attracts you to it?
I think for me it is just how easy it is to run and operate.
I'm just getting into some aspects of the domain business but, so far, I like the challenge of learning, the creativity and the potential for some sort of payoff, even if it isn't grand.
If I knew the answer I would know what to tell the psychiatrist. Until then I just keep driving myself crazy.
I`m kind of new to it, so I do it for the experience at the moment Smile And hopefully I will collect some $$ later on Smile
It's an interesting topic, and I think a good reason for everyone is that it simply does not require lots of physical hard times...
For me, being associated with domains / domain names in any form - whether sales, hosting, parking, maintenance, etc - maintains a connection with the Internet and people I've met through this medium, no matter where I am or what I am currently doing.

I have found many a time that people I knew from way back - when I had just discovered the Internet and its' wonders - emailing or calling up, even after 8-9 years, to ask mundane questions about it only coz I had sold them a domain name at some point in time or setup a server for them. I like to think that my being associated with domains has probably been one of my more effective marketing tools Big Grin .

Of course the perenial income source being created adds greatly to the my wanting to remain connected.
JasMate Wrote:I think for me it is just how easy it is to run and operate.

Deffintly. I totally agree but I am also into running my own forums and websites which sometimes is harder work than just buying/selling domains.
-thoma- Wrote:Deffintly. I totally agree but I am also into running my own forums and websites which sometimes is harder work than just buying/selling domains.

How much income do you generate from the domains per month?
I did a check on my earnings (recurring) from domain names and man was I surprised! I dont register myself, use a service called bookdomain.net. I actually earn about $100 every month on domains being renewed directly through the system. Pretty good huh for one who didnt even know that it was making me money. Wow... sudden windfall that... gotta go spend it now.

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