alternate tlds
Do you think alternate tlds will ever be much use, given what we know abotu the average consumer being confused by most everything but .com and .gov. Staying away from trademark names is smart, but lots of good keywords are still available on the alt tlds. Any predictions on how long till they become really viable?
I think they are good.
But i dont know why people do not give more importance to them.
i found a guy selling good 4 letter be domain for less than 1 dollor.
I don't know, maybe I'm being too pessimistic but I don't think unfamiliar domains are going to catch on with the general public. Look at .biz. In theory, it's perfect, a great way to distingush business sites from personal ones. But few average shoppers are going to think .biz when looking for a business, they're still going to think .com. It's been pounded into our heads and we're slow to make the transition to new extensions.

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