Tools for catching expired domain?
Hello fellows! Ok, most of the time we either used "auto-renewal" feature in our domain registrar panel to secure our portfolio when it comes near to expiry. Apart from these, we also pay attention to some of the near expiry domains that we are eyeing for a while.

So, what do you guys use in tracking and getting updated on those expired domain or near expiry date? Like a few years back, Washington Post had "forgotten" about their renewal bill and the new broke out :- "Overdue domain registration bill stops e-mail access to Washington Post" which was posted in .

I wonder how they actually solved it??:p . By the way, what kind of effective tools that you guys use in order to catch those expired domain? I tried godaddy service, but wasn't really satisfied as the domain that I back-ordered was frequently not been successfully owned.:mad:
So, I have to ask this given the discussion in the other thread about copyright stuff ...if you did catch an expired 'good' one and buy it, would you have to give it back under those same rules? Or is it negotiable?
Well, till date I still have no real luck in catching those good and expired domain names. If I do get one of those...wooOOoo, I would be very excited! Just thinking of the potential value comes with it, and the traffic that it would be enjoying from the previous effort put into the domains.

Nevertheless, if there is any dispuse rise by the any party pertaining to the ownership of the domain, I believe they'll have to refer to ICANN to resolve it. But well, still worth to catch the domain even if risk of losing it back to previous owner as the traffic and PPC potential is just a great enticementBig Grin

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