Poker related domain name?

Not all is rosy tinged clouds. A couple years ago hardly any poker names were regged. Than the bomb went off and poker was hot and if you have ever seen something hot get imitators and followers you know what I am talking about. Even newbie domainers bought poker names.

At first pros that new the game had the edge and picked off the great names, texasholdem, etc, then the online gambling websites went "all in" with the highest pay per click bids that made those domain owners rich in a very short time.

Of course those folks bragged that up and the blood hounds we domainers are stayed up all hours of the night regging the ones that were left on the hinges.

So what we have today is a huge pool of poker names. That creates a problem for ranking as the established sites are at top.

So unless you have direct type in names and I doubt you do, you will not get clicks. I don't see how you can get traffic for an affliate with names that are not direct type in either.

That is what top quality brandable poker names are about it.

Not much left to get at this stage of the card game. As you know branding is all about exposure. Oh and I might say brandable names now are about as watered down as the whiskey at the red dog saloon.

Today, I see names being created such as pancakepoker, etc. Have fun trying to sell those.


Domainers do tend to get desperate when it comes to poker. It's pretty simple, but all the good names (and a large part of the bad ones) are gone. Obviously will do very well, but, which is also registered, is going to get very few visits.

There has been a huge craze about poker, and I admit that even I have made a good deal of money from poker related PPC. If poker names are getting attention now, it is a bit late for the prospective domain buyer (unless they are willing to spend in the thousands of US$ for a good name).

I would like to add to goodkarmaco's note here: is available. Smile
Zach, you got to be kidding me someone registered that name? Lol. Made my day!

That does make sense, it seems like poker popups ads are more accepted by the general public...I wonder if POKERPOKERPOKERPOKERPOKER will work or not though Tongue
If you are just going for typo traffic or keyword traffic, all the names are gone. If you want to build a memorable site for visitors, there are tons of options. You have to understand how people remember and relate to things. People can put words into chunks. So a compound word is good.

Something like is not bad because you only have to remember card, hawk and .com. As opposed to if you had you have too much to remember. The problem with, though, is people will have to remember if it is cardhawk or cardhawks for example. There are a lot of little tricks you can use to find a good memroable domain name for a site.
That is too long. The name has to be simpler than that for people to remember and visit. It's too complicated an out attention span isn't that big.
True...and especially for Poker. Having worked on a Poker game for work, I can say that what everyone wants is speed, speed and more speed. If you start with a giant name, it's already a hassle (for the players.)
Grace Wrote:That is too long. The name has to be simpler than that for people to remember and visit. It's too complicated an out attention span isn't that big.

Correct, I dont think many people do this typo generally.
Keyword: casinos
Appraised value: $55,000
Asking price: $2,000

Casinos receives 5,100,000 searches monthly

Related sales: $2,500 $19,000 $625,060

Payment via PayPal

PM or reply to thread if interested
casinos pay a lot for affiliate marketing and tons of people search casino or poker related keywords everyday.

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