"Parked" Definition?
Here's a newbie question, if that's all right:

If you park a domain, does that mean you've registered the name and are offering it for sale, but it isn't developed beyond that?
Hey Taggart,

When I park domains, it asks you if your domain is for sale or not. Then they place all the ads and then it should say somewhere, "This site is for sale. Click here for more details," or something similar to that...
Yep, David pretty much answered it for you.

Parking is just a very easy way of converting traffic into cash. Some people like to hold on to a domain (not sell it), and they part it while they do this. Their reasons could be anything ranging from speculative increases in price to just simple getting good money from parking and not being willing to comprimise their revenue source.

But that being said, most people who park do so as they wait for a seller. The only requisite to parking a domain is having registered it.

Thanks for the information about the profitability of parking a domain. I was wondering about that myself. I thought if you parked a domain and didn't sell it , you'd be losing money.
Thanks for the information.

I'm sure I've seen sites where domains are parked, but I didn't really think about the earning potential from them in that situation. Cool
As I understand, a domain that is parked, doesn't make that much money. On the other hand, I think that parking can tell the owner more or less how popular the domain is, and maybe make a decision between selling it or developing it.
Domain parking is reserving a specific domain name for future use. Domainers also do domain parking for buy and sell business.

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