How much time spent on gaining backlinks?
When it comes to reaching good SEO it's always good to have relevant and good back links as well as linking back to other sites.

How much time would you say you spend on gaining backlinks? 

I personally myself will spend around an hour a day if possible working on gaining new backlinks whether it be submitting to directories, speaking to other admins to ask if they would like to link. It may not be a lot of time a day but quite a lot can be achieved in an hour.
I spend a few hours per day on back linking as you can never spend too many hours on this for it to help you. I spend more time I feel though finding good places to leave my link to gain the backlinks than actually submitting them if I am honest but knowing that it works makes it worth the while in the end and I don't feel like I wasted time.
According to my opinion for gaining back link it depends upon your quality of content which are used for dong off page techniques in SEO.
Well! there is no such prescribed time for generating backlinks. As SEO is a game wherein we need to wait for the approval from opponent website. And that depends on PA and DA of that particular site.
If you are doing best and quality sites its easy to get more back-links there is no time period to create back-links.

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