Does anybody follows...
the Formula 1 Championship? I've been hooked into it the last couple of years, because my nephews are very addicted to it... But I find it really boring to say the least. Yet, I can't stop watching! How about you?
I can't say I am much of a sports fan although my exstep dad was a huge fan. He went to nearly every race he could get to. Maybe that is why I am not interested haha. Who is your fave racer?
I have friends that are big into this and I just don't get it. What on earth is the fascination?
I went to a race once LIVE with my family, and was shocked at how loud the car engines are. It made my heart race and ears hurt, and I was nervous and jittery, dropping my drinks and things haha. It is definitly about power.
I went to see the Indy 500 once and read a book while everyone else watched the race. It just didn't hold my interest.
I used to watch racing when I was a kid with my dad. Now it just seems kind of endless going around and around and around.
I used to be a big fan but time and work made it impossible to watch.

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