Did any body use WHYPARK.COM ?
Dear friends,

Rather than parking a domain whypark.com says it host your domain with a periodical fresh content [similar to blogging ], more over you can add adsense / adbrite / cj etc

it looks nice ,he charges $99.95 per 100 domains only once , But i dont know how it works out - better earning compared to park domain

If any friend have experience with whypark please tell me

thanks in advance
I prefer sedo. Sedo has all of the benefits of whypark but doesn't charge a fee. I suggest you check them out first. Free is good!
I rather do my own minisite than whypark.
at least I can set how i will look to my taste
If you have content or can develop your own content, then Name.com is best. But if you don't have an idea how to go about it, there's a new site that offers very easy setup, BlinkWeb in the blink of an eye, as they say.
Have you tried them Itssri? do they just provide the web or hosting as well?
I have used sedo but they didn't seem to pass on the 30% bonus earning to me with their "sedo pro". Anyone have experience with multiple parking companies, and if so which one(s) pay the most? Also what categories/names pay the most? IE: Mortgage - Insurance - porn??
Does people actually make money through park domain? i heard that you can only make money if you own a good domain or a domain which people will most probably type in the url bar
Hi Takwa,

I guess you are asking about BlinkWeb. Yes, I have www.LinkCite.com registered and hosted through them. All steps - start to finish - but they are a wee bit costlier than if you do it yourself. But, it's worth it for non-techies.

admin edit: no spamming

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