Decaptcha Triple Captcha Issue
I'm trying to use decaptcha with iMacro to auto solve and fill captchas. I have everything up to the point of getting the captcha. When iMacro loads the main.php file then displays my solved captcha, it shows the captcha 3 times. So then my iMacro proceeds to copy that solved triple displayed captcha, but I only want/need it to copy that one of the three identical captchas.

Here is decaptcha's main.php file code:

    require( 'ccproto_client.php' );

    // your connect information
    define( 'HOST',        ""    );    // YOUR HOST
    define( 'PORT',        7462        );    // YOUR PORT
    define( 'USERNAME',    "myusername"    );    // YOUR LOGIN
    define( 'PASSWORD',    "mypassword");    // YOUR PASSWORD

    define( 'PIC_FILE_NAME',    "pic.jpg"    );
    $ccp = new ccproto();

    print( "" );
    if( $ccp->login( HOST, PORT, USERNAME, PASSWORD ) < 0 ) {
        print( " FAILED\n" );
    } else {
        print( "" );

    $system_load = 0;
    if( $ccp->system_load( $system_load ) != ccERR_OK ) {
        print( "" );
    print( "" );

    $balance = 0;
    if( $ccp->balance( $balance ) != ccERR_OK ) {
        print( "" );
    print( "" );

    $major_id    = 0;
    $minor_id    = 0;
    for( $i = 0; $i < 3; $i++ ) {
        $pict = file_get_contents( PIC_FILE_NAME );
        $text = '';
        print( "" );

        $pict_to    = ptoDEFAULT;
        $pict_type    = ptUNSPECIFIED;
        $res = $ccp->picture2( $pict, $pict_to, $pict_type, $text, $major_id, $minor_id );
        switch( $res ) {
            // most common return codes
            case ccERR_OK:
                print( $text );
            case ccERR_BALANCE:
                print( "not enough funds to process a picture, balance is depleted" );
            case ccERR_TIMEOUT:
                print( "picture has been timed out on server (payment not taken)" );
            case ccERR_OVERLOAD:
                print( "temporarily server-side error" );
                print( " server's overloaded, wait a little before sending a new picture" );
            // local errors
            case ccERR_STATUS:
                print( "local error." );
                print( " either ccproto_init() or ccproto_login() has not been successfully called prior to ccproto_picture()" );
                print( " need ccproto_init() and ccproto_login() to be called" );
            // network errors
            case ccERR_NET_ERROR:
                print( "network troubles, better to call ccproto_login() again" );
            // server-side errors
            case ccERR_TEXT_SIZE:
                print( "size of the text returned is too big" );
            case ccERR_GENERAL:
                print( "server-side error, better to call ccproto_login() again" );
            case ccERR_UNKNOWN:
                print( " unknown error, better to call ccproto_login() again" );
                // any other known errors?
        print ( "\n" );

        // process a picture and if it is badly recognized
        // call picture_bad2() to name it as error.
        // pictures named bad are not charged

        //$ccp->picture_bad2( $major_id, $minor_id );

    $balance = 0;
    if( $ccp->balance( $balance ) != ccERR_OK ) {
        print( "balance() FAILED\n" );
    print( "" );


    // also you can mark picture as bad after session is closed, but you need to be logged in again
    print( "" );
    if( $ccp->login( HOST, PORT, USERNAME, PASSWORD ) < 0 ) {
        print( "" );
    } else {
        print( "" );
    print( "" );
    $ccp->picture_bad2( $major_id, $minor_id );


If anyone has any ideas how to fix it from displaying the captcha three times rather than one, I would greatly appreciate it.


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