Blogging as therapy?
I'm going through a very unique personal experience, but I know there are millions of people going through that every day. I was thinking about starting a blog about the whole thing... do you know anyone that is blogging as a way of having therapy?
Actually it is being employed as a method of treatment for depression as we write. My will be doing a series on blogging as therapy.
I have blogged as a way of therapy. Some of my friends (including me) use it for accountability...i.e. a diet blog or stop smoking. My suggestion though would be to keep it anonymous, as someone could stumble upon a rant and be hurt or get the wrong idea. It works pretty well for me, and i read back on mine and see how far I have come. I think you should go for it!
Well I know aquarian is has one of the best blog for that with great content I am sure his blog would be good for everyone.
I am considering your suggestions, and I think I'll do it. I'll have to do it under another name for sure, because there are people that are involved that don't know about the whole thing. Aquarian, I checked your site... my problem right now is not depression, but if it comes to that point, I'll come back to it!
Alot of people have become famous and made money from blogging. Look at Perez Hilton! Smile It is a good creative outlet and good on your for pursuing it!
Yeah many bloggers earning $xxxx per month from Google adsense earning and this is hot Niche for earning.
Blogging can definately be used as a therapy method. Its a way for many people to express themselves. You get the impression that the whole web is listening, and that anyone can access it. But as Gigi said above, keeping it anonymous would be a good idea. You never know when these things can come around and bite you..
Well, I just started the new "therapy" blog. Now it is a matter of marketing it... how can I do that? I have 2 other blogs, but they have a very specific niche. This on could be more of a wide thing, since anyone can read it and feel identified with it. And I also created a whole new account with Google. I don't want to have anything that might identify me or the people involved. So, how can I market this little blog? Suggestions are accepted!
berlinlife06 Wrote:I am considering your suggestions, and I think I'll do it. I'll have to do it under another name for sure, because there are people that are involved that don't know about the whole thing. Aquarian, I checked your site... my problem right now is not depression, but if it comes to that point, I'll come back to it!

Try The Initiative or in June (see the teaser now) Not much about depression awareness and a bit more provocative (I usually use that word with my dates)

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