All Four letters .com domain name was registered aready-- China Net Technology Limited
Domain name news brought to you by China Net Technology Limited
The whole four letters .com domain was registered by people, 456976 domain names which only
content English letters was regisered already. How about the future of the domain field?
Recently we always pay attention to the four letters domain name which unregister, about
two weeks ago, there are about 8000 domain name un register, one week ago, there are still
1550,but on the 4th ,Nov. the total four letter domain name was register already.
About the last register domian name is according my observation. But because time
difference between the domain name and the DNS,it is not exactly maybe. In a word, till
the 1st Nov. there are still 6 four letter domain unregister. By the way, on the 2nd Nov.
drop a domain nameâ, if this was also as the new domain name, it is the last four
letters domain to be register.
The follow graphy is the professional observative website data,
1, com register table by the years
![[Image: 050924314544.gif]](
2, com domain name delete and the register again in 2007
![[Image: 050924421128.gif]](