1st problem with Netfirms
I just want to remind you these are the $10 for the year special sites I picked up. My first two were fine smooth with no problems. The third the smalled had a problem upload and a few minute job took 3 hr. I still don't know what the problem was. I use dreamweaver to upload and never had a problem before.

The site is just an experiment you can check it out at

Excel Prime Posting as you will see there is virtually nothing much to it.
maybe it was just a temporary problem? did you try uploading via an ftp client like wsftp?

by the way, how is their support?
In prior contact good. I did not contact them on this. I resorted to the onsite ftp and still problems though.
Yeah it was temporary problem and I hope you will enjoy your site soon. Try to contact them.Smile
The site is up it was just an experiment to learn css. I might make it functional this week for the heck of it.
Great to saw good news from you. What was the experiment ? I don't like CSS and even I failed last exam in this subject.Big Grin
Rohitpatel Wrote:Great to saw good news from you. What was the experiment ? I don't like CSS and even I failed last exam in this subject.Big Grin

I am oooold school when tables became popular I stayed with older coding tricks while designing and even won a few awards. When I discovered tables I found my work time cut in half. Untill the past three month I stayed with tables and then began CSS. It's now nothing like the old CSS because browsers have been adapted. Parts are hard and some are easy and other parts absolutely frustrating. but am getting it.
Thats was excellent. I want learn CSS but I didn't any good teacher in my area or not found good online website for that. Can you give me some useful links?
I use the sitepoint videos and the book CSS Web Site design by Eric Meyer. My greatest learner came from going to free template site and literal working on them.
I also like Eric Meyer's articles but I never used that Book from sitepoint. I have to used it for making great websites as you haveSmile.

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