01-22-2007, 12:14 PM
goodkarmaco Wrote:A person can have a porn site and have full control of who and what goes on it also. Its interesting how our view of porn changes over time. Years ago the tv shows of today would be considered porn.
You are completely right! We have evolved and see things under a different perspective. And precisely because we changed as a society and the Internet has become the favorite media marketing for pornography, and therefore so hard to attack as other medias were before, I think many more people have now the oportunity to explore pornography as a business without having to be called inmoral and other names in public! The anonimity provided by the internet, makes it a perfect place to develop so many other ways to make money. I am sure many housewives are assuming the roll of Larry Flint on the internet and will never get caught and will never be called names wherever they go, and much less, be shot at just because they decided to be part of the porn industry.