10-07-2009, 09:38 PM
Auction starts in:
20 hours 11 mins
October 8, 1:37 pm EDT
Here is a very small sample of possible end-users I just found. Many of the following domain names, which are being used by real flower shops, are either in less popular extensions or include hyphens and abbreviations. As you understand there is a huge end-user potential for Floralstudio.net
floral / studio / org
the / floral / studio / net,
the / -floral / -studio / com
studio / floral / net
floral / -studio / co.uk
floral / -studio / de
floral / studio / de
floral / studio / at
use / a / florist / co.uk
floral / design / studio / com
Studio / B / Floral / com
studio / m / floral / com
floral / studio / costa / rica /com
the / floral / design / studio / com
floral / studio / -ny / com
ny/ floral / studio / com
studio / floral / com
20 hours 11 mins
October 8, 1:37 pm EDT
Here is a very small sample of possible end-users I just found. Many of the following domain names, which are being used by real flower shops, are either in less popular extensions or include hyphens and abbreviations. As you understand there is a huge end-user potential for Floralstudio.net
floral / studio / org
the / floral / studio / net,
the / -floral / -studio / com
studio / floral / net
floral / -studio / co.uk
floral / -studio / de
floral / studio / de
floral / studio / at
use / a / florist / co.uk
floral / design / studio / com
Studio / B / Floral / com
studio / m / floral / com
floral / studio / costa / rica /com
the / floral / design / studio / com
floral / studio / -ny / com
ny/ floral / studio / com
studio / floral / com