Greetings and help please
Hi everyone,

I'm new to the domain buy/sell thing, but I purchased the domains, and I'd posted democracytalks on sedo while I was waiting to make it into a blog. Not knowing anything about this, I listed it for $5K. Next day someone said they'd be willing to buy it pending a valuation. I started looking into what that meant and found way too much info. One online thing came back as $15K (automated), a manual eval by godaddy came back at $2-3K another auto at $8,900. I did a manual at easynames on and got valued at $6850. An auto of electedby was $25-$35K. I'm at a bit of a loss as to what to rely on and what not to...know what I mean? Can anyone give me any advice (judging by what I've seen above) as to how to play this game. What to look for and what not? I would truly appreciate it. Any thoughts on what I got above?

Messages In This Thread
Greetings and help please - by zahar9 - 08-05-2008, 05:35 PM
Greetings and help please - by wimaxfan - 08-07-2008, 06:42 PM
Greetings and help please - by zahar9 - 08-07-2008, 07:49 PM

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