What is your blog about?
I have an experimental page at a blog site, that I've tried to design to not look like a blog.

It involves interesting historical events, with some humour added which would be subjective as to how funny it is. I used to sell these type of lines to publications for radio disc jockeys.

I find a pretty big fluctuation in pays per click because the names and topics of the events are always changing, at least when I haven't been slow in updating for a day or two.
I am starting a new blog to go with my new site but will probably shun Adsense in favor of Adbrite, once traffic gets to a certain point. I am first goign to chum for link exchanges!

My new site is for my tarot/spiritualist/pagan/Wiccan things and I want to populate it with those of like mind. Take a look at the skeleton!. I tend to develop things slowly.
I like what I see at your site, SageMother.

Those are nice graphics. I wonder if the page could fit in the browser without scrolling sideways?

It's just a thought. Smile
Yes, it was a blog about sexual harassment on the streets, mainly geared towards women in California. It's still out there, I just do not run it anymore. It got to be too much work for me.
Nice page, SageMother! Looks nice so far... I hope you get a lot of traffic. Jewel, if you can, please post the link for the page on sexual harrasment or PM me... I really will appreciate it. Thanks!
It's very nice graphics on the site. I don't personally go for the tarot readings and such. But I do love blogs for their writing content. It does add something beneficial to the site.
My blog isn't really a website, I make no money off it. It's just my own personal blog about my life, my husband, his band, etc..
I blog but not much, I want to but I never really like what I write and then don't post it. I am too critical of myself I think.
The last couple of days I've been checking out a lot of blogs. There are some that are great reading material, and they don't have any ads in them, it is just for the pleasure of writing... Unfortunately most of those great blogs are in Spanish.
SageMother Wrote:I am starting a new blog to go with my new site but will probably shun Adsense in favor of Adbrite, once traffic gets to a certain point.

Have you had a bad experience with Adsense, SageMother?

I'm just curious about why you prefer Adbrite. My only experience so far has been with Adsense.

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