How to make an IDN?

I was wondering how to form an internationalized domain name (IDN). I would like to know how to write an IDN in ASCII, so that I can register it.


Hi zach,
I don't understand other language eg Arabic, Russia, Japan, Korea...etc. But I do understand chinese language. To input chinese character, I am using this tool from Microsoft :- Microsoft Pinyin IME 3.0 . It can be downloaded for free. Just google for "Microsoft Pinyin IME 3.0"

Eg :- "哈哈" --> similiar to Big Grin
I actually didnt understand the problem and answer too.
Are you guys talking about the domain names on such non english language?
Hi deelip,
Yup you are right. We are refering to those non-english characters auch as Russian, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Korean...etc. Before I get to know in realizing about IDN, I always though that domain names could only exist in combination of english alphabets, but I get to know later that those IDN are actually a booming market to tap into too.
I am in internet since some 3 three years.
But never saw these kind of domain. can you let me see one?
Hi deeplip,
Ok, here are some :-
  • プレステ (This domain is park at SEDO)
  • แอบถ่าย.com (Park at namedrive, appear in Punycode as ""
  • федерация.com (Park at NameDrive, appears in Punycode as "")
  • 电子邮件.net (also parked domain, appear in Punycode as "" )
Well, I also don't understand what those domain mean, IDN is also a new field for me at the moment. It takes time to get familiar with it if you want to venture into this section. Good luck.Smile
Those domains are really hard to see from outside the country.
Isnt that? If the domain is in chinese then how can i type in chinese from nepal .Generally i do not have chinese font. So those domains are only usefull for china if that is chinese domain .

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