looking for work
I have to work online because I cannot work at a job due to a stroke. So if anyone needs employees to work online, send me a message.
What are you looking for?
what are your qualifications?
anything I can review?

thank you.
I'm looking for a job where I can work at home, preferably online.

Qualifications? I have very good writing skills and know my way around a computer and the internet.

You can go to helium.com and look up some of my articles. My ID is: mrs.tinsley
mrs.tinsley Wrote:You can go to helium.com and look up some of my articles. My ID is: mrs.tinsley

Hey mrs.tinsley, best of luck with the job search.

If you have articles on Helium, have you considered also putting pieces on Triond and Constant Content? I've made some money with them, but I'm still waiting to reach my payment threshold with Helium.
Yes, I had my stroke behind the eye as well. I lost the central vision in that eye. Luckily, it doesn't effect my depth perception.
Sorry to hear about your stroke. Sad

Do you have any web programming skills? Can you make sites? What do you like to do besides write? I will see what I can find to help you out. just please watch out for SCAMS they are everywhere on the net.
I suggest looking at Craigslist and doing a Googlw search for WAHM or SAHM. You can atleast get ideas about the possibilities.

A good board to look through is WAHM.com. It has been around forever and has good information.
hmm.. never heard of those. What are they? Guess I can look it up myself Smile
That is a great site and I always highly recommend it. The people are also very friendly.
tater03 Wrote:I was going to also suggest the wahm.com board also. They list jobs and there is also a forum where you can talk to people that are working from home doing work for places that hire at home people. That is where I have found all my jobs.

I'm going to check that site out right now Smile

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