Most of the mothers who had babies with the Zika
WASHINGTON , Jan. 25 (Xinhua) -- Birth defects have increased in parts of the United States that had local Zika virus transmission in 2016, a new report from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Prevention said Thursday.

Areas with local transmission of Zika -- southern Florida, a portion of south Texas, and Puerto Rico -- saw a 21 percent increase in birth defects in the second half of 2016 compared with the first half of that year, according to the study published in CDC's Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report.

Researchers said it's not known if this increase is due to local transmission of Zika virus alone, or if there are other contributing factors.

Most of the mothers who had babies with the Zika virus-linked birth defects did not have laboratory evidence of Zika virus infection cheap air max 270 , they said.

The mothers either were not tested, were not tested at the right time, or were not exposed to Zika virus.

For the study, CDC researchers looked at nearly one million births in 2016 in 15 U.S. states and territories, and found about three out of every 1,000 newborns had a birth defect possibly associated with Zika virus infection in the mother.

About half of the babies with birth defects were born with brain abnormalities or microcephaly cheap air max 95 , which causes abnormally small heads.

The other half had neural tube defects, eye abnormalities, or nervous system damage such as joint problems and deafness.

Because many pregnant women exposed to Zika virus in late 2016 gave birth in 2017, CDC researchers anticipated that there could be another increase in possible Zika-related birth defects when 2017 data are analyzed.

"Babies with Zika-related birth defects need all the help they can get, as soon as possible and for as long as they need it," CDC Director Brenda Fitzgerald said in a statement.

"This report highlights the critical importance of documenting birth defects possibly related to Zika and our need to maintain vigilance cheap air max 97 ," Fitzgerald said.

Zika is spread mostly by the bite of an infected Aedes species mosquito and can be passed from a pregnant woman to her fetus.

There is no vaccine or medicine for Zika so far.

US President Donald Trump strode into the lion's den to confront the world's political and business elite on Thursday, as his "America First" administration executes an anti-globalist manifesto in trade, taxes and currency rates.
  SAP CEO Bill McDermott (left), Donald Trump, CEO of Seimens Joe Kaeser, and Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen at tonight’s dinner with business leaders.
A year after taking office cheap air max 90 , Trump joined the World Economic Forum in Davos with foreign exchange markets in turmoil and Washington's trading partners in uproar.

Vying to take the air out of one storm, he insisted that he wants to see "a strong dollar," after comments by his treasury secretary appearing to signal the opposite sent the US currency plunging to three-year lows and provoked anger in Europe.

Trump smiled and waved on his arrival at the gathering in the Swiss Alps, as crowds of onlookers held up camera phones. One woman admirer grabbed Trump's autograph while other delegates muttered - out of his earshot - about wanting to pelt him with fruit.

The former property mogul held one-on-one meetings with the British and Israeli prime ministers. Then, having demonised the globalist Davos crowd on his unorthodox march to the White House, he went on to a gala reception and dinner with European business chiefs attending the gathering.

Interviewed on CNBC cheap nike air max shoes , Trump said there was no contradiction between his populist campaign and his decision to come to the headquarters of the global elite.

"When I decided to come to Davos, I didn't think in terms of elitist or globalist, I thought in terms of lots people that want to invest lots of money and they're all coming back to the United States, they're coming back to America," he said.

Basking in near-daily highs on Wall Street and accelerating US growth, he added: "It's about coming to America cheap air max shoes , investing in money, creating jobs, companies coming in, we're setting records every week, every day, we're setting records."


Seeking to demonise the president in turn was Swiss activist group Campax cheap nike air max , which hung a giant banner on an Alpine peak near Davos reading "Trump not welcome", and Greenpeace, which beamed anti-Trump laser messages onto another mountain.

Trump is due to address the forum on its closing day Friday, at the end of a week that saw his administration announce a new package of trade tariffs targeting China and South Korea, and spark upheaval on the currency markets.

"I think the most fascinating thing with President Trump is that he has the capacity to surprise, and I'm sure we will be surprised tomorrow cheap air max ," Alexander Stubb, former prime minister of Finland and the new vice president of the European Investment Bank, told AFP in Davos.


Traders and US partners already had one surprise in Davos this week when Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin appeared to back away from decades of support by his predecessors for a "strong dollar" policy. He declared "a weaker dollar is good for us", flouting US commitments in international fora such as the G20.

International Monetary Fund chief Christine Lagarde on Thursday urged Mnuchin to "clarify" his stance on the dollar. European Central Bank head Mario Draghi reminded trading partners to "refrain" from language that could cause currency volatility.

A weak dollar would potentially boost US exporters but cause headaches for all other trading nations.

In comments to CNBC that helped the dollar recover some lost ground, Trump said Mnuchin had been misquoted.

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