Very annoying ads.
I was talking with a friend about a site he found so I checked out myself. It is a rather porn site, and it is free to go in. The most annoying thing are the ads in there! Once you open a window, this ad shows up that follows up or down covering the pictures you want to see. You have to click in a very very small point to be able to get rid of it, and if you do a control-W to close the window of the ad, then it closes the page. They are not "pop ups" but they are very annoying. Of course the site is advertising all over the place. does anybody knows what I am talking about? they just "move" with you and don't let you see anything else. Are these ads classified under a specific name? I'd like to know.
Not sure what those are either. They sound awful. Imo most people never goback to the site, so why in the hell palce the ads on it.

Good luck finding your answer.
I heard that on February 3rd there is a trojan worm set to be released which is related to the porn sites and especially to invites you get through email..please be aware and avoid any attached invitation you get through email!
littlefranciscan Wrote:I heard that on February 3rd there is a trojan worm set to be released which is related to the porn sites and especially to invites you get through email..please be aware and avoid any attached invitation you get through email!

Thanks. I usually don't open anything that comes as an attachment from anybody I don't know for sure. And when things are with .exe suffix, then even less. Apple does not recognize that command and it is the perfect thing to avoid viruses... 14 years on the internet, and still never had a virus! Long live Apple! LOL!
That is why I stay away from those free porn sites and awhile back when I tried to click one of the sites, my computer surely pay the price with junkware and I had to spend like for hours just to get it back to normal.

I go to xtube for some free porn. At least I haven't deal with spyware or junk like that.
Haha. Funny! I don't visit porn sites anymore. I think I never really did. Haha. Anyway, I know what you are talking about. Those ads are extremely annoying. It makes me want to curse the owner of the site.
I am surprised that some of these owners still use that crap on their sites. No wonder people don't buy porn anymore on the internet lol.
Well these seem to be Full screen 'popups', they are extremely annoying. If you try to close the window, the actual window will close, not them.
I have never seen such ads but these pron site do bring up new ideas of advertising and flashing huge ads on your face.
Thats why I just about never go on a porn site, its nothing but ads. Everytime you click a picture, you get another 3 windows come up, plus banner advertisements, etc.

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