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WUHAN Nike Air Max 95 Sale , Dec. 28 (Xinhua) -- Zhuankou Yangtze Bridge, the widest bridge over the Yangtze River, opened for traffic on Thursday.

The bridge, with eight lanes, is the ninth bridge over the Yangtze in Wuhan, capital of central China's Hubei Province.

Excluding the highway on both sides Nike Air Max 90 Sale , the bridge itself is 1,510 meters long and 46 meters wide.

Costing 5.2 billion yuan (about 780 million U.S. dollars), the bridge will be the main road for trucks crossing the river.

JOHANNNESBURG, Jan. 13 (Xinhua) -- H&M stores in South Africa were trashed by Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) protesters on Saturday over a allegedly racist sweater ad.

Dozens of EFF protesters wearing same red T-shirt on Saturday morning rushed into an H&M store in Sandton City, one of the most prosperous shopping centers in Johannesburg, vandalizing mannequins and scattering clothes on the floor.

After police arrived Nike Air Max 1 Sale , protesters gathered in front of the shop's door chanting, dancing and whistling, according to Xinhua reporter at the site.

The crowd dismissed at noon. The H&M store has remained closed since then.

According to local media, similar protests were also seen in other shopping centers nationwide.

EFF Deputy President Floyd Shivambu congratulated members via twitter for physically confronting racism.

The outrage stemmed from a recent ad photo released by H&M showing a black boy wear a green sweater with the slogan "coolest monkey in the jungle" on it.

Shivambu said H&M "nonsense of a clothing store is now facing consequences for its racism. All rational people should agree that the store should not be allowed to continue operating in South Africa."

The riot also triggered much criticism. A netizen "TheColouredZimbo" said via Twitter, "What happens if H&M pulls out of South Africa? Will the EFF compensate employees for loss of income?"

PHNOM PENH, June 20 (Xinhua) -- Five dangerous inmates escaped from the Kampong Speu provincial prison in southwestern Cambodia early Tuesday Nike Air Max Sale , the National Police website reported, citing a local police chief.

Sam Samoun, police chief of Kampong Speu province, said the five men were spending their prison terms for premeditated murder, robbery, and drug trafficking.

"Currently Air Max 95 Sale , the authorities are searching for them," he was quoted as saying by the website.

Kak Savun, director of the Kampong Speu provincial prison, said the five prisoners had been sent to the prison's health center for medical treatment, and they escaped by cutting a hole in the roof of the health center at about 2:00 a.m. local time on Tuesday.

It was the second jailbreak in Cambodia within four weeks. On May 27, five inmates broke loose from the Ratanakiri provincial prison in northeastern Cambodia after they used a blade to cut the bars of their prison cell. One of them was recaptured hours after the escape Air Max 90 Sale , as the remaining four are still at large.

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SAN FRANCISCO, May 22 (Xinhua) -- A U.S. charity group has developed footwear for children that can expand five sizes, to address the dire lack of shoes in underdeveloped countries.

The group, Because International, was created by Kenton Lee, from Nampa Air Max 1 Sale , the U.S. state of Idaho, after he volunteered half a year in African country Kenya, where he found most of children had to walk barefoot or had outgrown their shoes.

In talking with Xinhua over the phone, Lee recalled that he saw a little girl in painfully small shoes, "so small her toes showed through the front, and I thought that these children needed shoes that could grow with them Air Max Sale , ideally sandals."

The social entrepreneur said over 300 million children worldwide have to walk barefoot or use smaller footwear, and many of them suffer from soil-borne foot and nail parasites.

Back to the United States in 2007, Lee paired up with a shoemaker to design new shoes and created the charitable, Because International, to distribute the footwear, known as Shoes That Grow. However Nike Air Max 95 Sale Outlet , it was not until last year that the first batch of the sandals reached Kenya.

"We delivered 3,000 sandals and are working on sending 5,000 more in July," he said.

The sandal comes in two sizes and has three parts that can expand thanks to straps and a buckle on the back. "One size is designed to fit ages from 4 or 5 years old until the age of 10 and the second size is for children from 10 to 15 years old."

Many American families have reached out to Because International, and Lee and his team are working on a new project to adjust the sandal to the U.S. market. The surge in local demand has caught Lee and his colleagues by surprise, since the shoes were not designed to be fashionable.

"I am honestly baffled that the shoe industry hasn't come up with the idea before Nike Air Max 90 Sale Outlet , but I guess it wouldn't be profitable for them," Lee said.
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