Maccabees Update
What is Maccabees Update in SEO?
To know about Maccabees updates, you can go through below link--
The sole purpose of the Maccabees Update is to improve the search relevancies. So, website owners and webmasters should look into the improvements to on-page as well as off-page relevance signals. The importance of content will always remain intact because high quality contents generate quality backlinks for your website thus helping you to attain organic ranking.

Google Maccabees update is just another Fred algorithm. Fred algorithm is any algorithm which is a part of the core algorithm.

This update was mostly for websites and affected those ranking on various keywords permutations. Though Google has not officially announced the exact changes made and it considers it to be just another update. Websites like SEMrush did an analysis to find out the reason and found that it is affecting those who have various keyword permutations like city name+service

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