Exclusive: $99 Internet Marketing giveaway including Robert Allen book
Hi, you may want to check out my latest blog entry at: Exclusive: $99 Internet Marketing giveaway including Robert Allen book at Andrew Wee | Internet Marketing | Blogging | Affiliate Marketing | Adsense | Strategies
I am giving away Robert "Multiple Stream of Income" Allen's books (while stocks last) and internet mktging-related materials on blogging and affiliate marketing.

I'll be listing this on eBay shortly, so you may want to grab this offer, cos I'm expecting that it'll be snapped up.

A short Robert Allen bio from multiplestreamsofincome.com:
I’m the author of two of the largest selling financial books in history; both New York Times best sellers -- read by millions of people in the past 20 years.

My current best-selling audio program from Nightingale/ Conant is entitled Multiple Streams of Income: How to Generate a Lifetime of Unlimited Wealth. My current best selling books are "Multiple Streams of Income" and "The One Minute Millionaire".

Very interesting! I saw this on your blog, hope to get a copy soon!
That sounds like a nice offer and a good way to build your list. I'm giving it some thought. I'm not sure in what direction I want to go and it hard to decide without information. It's good that you're being so generous with it.
my pleasure.
i've had abt 36 people take up the offer in the last 18 hours.
not too shabby considering it's sunday traffic.

we'll see if the torrent comes on monday...


ps: if you do enjoy the offer, do you mind leaving a comment on my blog?
it'll create a backlink to your website/blog too.

For the purpose of learning . . . is the point of this offer to build your list? Do you ming explaining how you determined the cost of the giveaway, versus a lower sale price or something like that, was worth the return?
it's a multi purpose promotion.
by giving away internet marketing materials:
1) i provide information to those who are new to internet marketing
2) i build credibility having written some of the material myself
3) build the list.

how i determine the value, i guess an irrestible offer will be what people are looking for and will provide the greatest motivation to sign up. hence i went with that.

i've at about 86 members on my list after 4 days of promotion and the opt-ins keep coming in.
Hi all,
i did a follow up post:
10,000 in your list in 30 days? Andrew Wee goes guerilla!

you may wish to check it out.

could be useful for your own list building

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