Need Feedback
Hi Gang,

need to register a domain name for a friend getting into retailing fresh-frozen fish online. the business is local to Pune for starters and will eventually move on to larger Indian cities. (s not expected to go global hehehhe)

any ideas for a domain name thats either a .com or .in ?

thanks guys
Well, what is the name as of know? I am not to great at thinking of domain names but I can list a few I had on mind.

Just a suggestion. You probably won't like it.
I'm not that great at coming up with names, either. You said your friend is just getting started. Is the business not named yet, then, so whatever site name you come up with will be the company name? Does he have a slogan to tie in with the name? I know, more questions than answers. Just trying to get the brainstorm going. Smile
How about

Okay sorry, that was inappropriate. Smile

How about fishmonger or something along those lines? I don't know if that has any meaning in India, but it might work. (fresh frozen fish)... I know none of these are great. I actually can come up with some names, sometimes, just depends. I guess if I had more information I might have better suggestions.
Hi guys,

thanks this is great. he has called his company Moby Dick and has already registered other ideas are still open as he wants to have 2 or three diff domains all pointing to the same place for starters

doesnt have a slogan yet... maybe should get him to think one asap

man I love forums... its so easy to get good advice

thanks again guys
I have a domain suggestion service on my blog. I made a list of possible domain names for your friend, all unregistered at the time of writing. I hope you don't mind that I quoted your request on my blog. Let me know if you end up registering one of these. Here's the link (scroll down for your list)
Domain suggestions for fish wholesale site

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