Headsets.biz and more Domains with High Exact Monthly Searches
These domains all have an high exact monthly searches with a good CPC.

Here are the domains:


Exact Monthly Searches - 135,000
Broad Monthly Searches - 2,240,000
CPC - $2.62


Exact Monthly Searches - 22,200
Broad Monthly Searches - 450,000
CPC - $9.00


Exact Monthly Searches - 74,000
Broad Monthly Searches - 4,090,000
CPC - $4.25


Exact Monthly Searches - 60,500
Broad Monthly Searches - 165,000
CPC - $1.85


Exact Monthly Searches - 301,000
Broad Monthly Searches - 7,480,000
CPC - $1.34


Exact Monthly Searches - 110,000
Broad Monthly Searches - 368,000
CPC - $1.50


Exact Monthly Searches - 40,500
Broad Monthly Searches - 110,000
CPC - $22.70


Exact Monthly Searches - 49,500
Broad Monthly Searches - 450,000
CPC - $3.44


Exact Monthly Searches - 165,000
Broad Monthly Searches - 1,000,000
CPC - $0.76


Exact Monthly Searches - 40,500
Broad Monthly Searches - 226,000,000
CPC - $0.54


Exact Monthly Searches - 1,220,000
Broad Monthly Searches - 11,100,000
CPC - $0.83


Exact Monthly Searches - 1,000,000
Broad Monthly Searches - 2,240,000
CPC - $3.10


Exact Monthly Searches - 135,000
Broad Monthly Searches - 368,000
CPC - $0.71

All Domains have almost a year to expire.

Send your offers.


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