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  Unique Parking Service - whypark.com ?
Posted by: llegent - 07-13-2006, 02:34 PM - Forum: PPC / CPC / Affiliate Programs - Replies (5)

Hi, I recently come across this particular parking service - whypark.com . COmpare to others, they provide contents to your domain and sort of making it a site. Sitemap is also included for each of your domain as they will develop the domain and build a site up.

The best part is that all the revenue generated by your domain/site are 100% keep by you! Yup, as claimed, their system is compatible with adsense, YPN, clickbank, text link sales. But the concern is that member will need to pay a fee of $99.95 for every 100 sites/domains.

So has anyone tried this service?

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  Speculating on other TLDs
Posted by: triumph - 07-13-2006, 01:41 PM - Forum: Domain Discussion - Replies (1)

The bulk of people use .com domains. The bulk of users go to a .com address first when trying to find a website. Has anyone had any success squatting on the other related domains hoping to get traffic?

I could understand if someone had a .net address and you grabbed the .com, but to see it the other way around, almost nobody will accidently type in .net for a .com, and the other tlds will NEVER be typed in at all.

So is there any value for this?

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  Tools for catching expired domain?
Posted by: llegent - 07-12-2006, 10:39 AM - Forum: Domain Discussion - Replies (2)

Hello fellows! Ok, most of the time we either used "auto-renewal" feature in our domain registrar panel to secure our portfolio when it comes near to expiry. Apart from these, we also pay attention to some of the near expiry domains that we are eyeing for a while.

So, what do you guys use in tracking and getting updated on those expired domain or near expiry date? Like a few years back, Washington Post had "forgotten" about their renewal bill and the new broke out :- "Overdue domain registration bill stops e-mail access to Washington Post" which was posted in computerworld.com .

I wonder how they actually solved it??:p . By the way, what kind of effective tools that you guys use in order to catch those expired domain? I tried godaddy service, but wasn't really satisfied as the domain that I back-ordered was frequently not been successfully owned.:mad:

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  Parked domain being "hijackd"?!
Posted by: llegent - 07-12-2006, 10:10 AM - Forum: Domain Discussion - Replies (8)

Ok guys, I have this crazy thing happen to me last week. I remembered that one of my domain was paked at namedrive.com . And I lefted it unattended for about 2months time. Then one fine day I was just checking how's it went, how's the landing page like ...etc.

To my surprise, when I type in the url into my browser, I arrive at a landing page which was not the "usual" nor "familiar" page to me! It wasn't my "supposed to be" landing page! I checked back my domain registrar, yup the domain is still mine, registered under my name, and then I check my namedrive account. Pheeww, it is still there!

Fortunate enough for me, that I contacted the parking company to look into it, and try to solve it for me. Well, after which, my "domain" back to waht it supposed to be:o ! But I do not know how long it has been "not" my landing page! and thinking about the possible PPC revenue lossese...

So I am very PUZZLED!! How on earth this could happen ??:eek: I learn from somewhere that it is called "DNS" hijacking or something like that. Anyone has such bad experience before?

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  2 Domains for sale
Posted by: Bain - 07-12-2006, 09:27 AM - Forum: Domains For Sale - Fixed Price/Offer - Replies (9)

Hello and welcome to my for sale thread!

I have two domains which I am interested in selling - and these are:

PCUniverse.net ($15.00)

AdobeCS3.com $10.00

Payment is through paypal - domains will be transferred within a 24 hour period or sooner, depending on if I am around when payment is sent.

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  Status of other TLD?
Posted by: llegent - 07-12-2006, 08:07 AM - Forum: Domain Discussion - Replies (3)

Hi. Apart form the more common TLD that we are familiar of :- .com, .net, .info, .biz, .org etc. What are the status of other form of TLD?? If I remembered correctly, there were quite a number of TLD being proposed to ICANN for their approval or consideration, such as :-
1. .asia
2. .jobs
3. .mail
4. .post

...and more. So how's their development? anyone know where and how to register a domian under these TLD?

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  Hyphen domain?
Posted by: llegent - 07-11-2006, 01:02 PM - Forum: Domain Discussion - Replies (24)

Hi guys, this time I need your view on a domain name with the hyphen, eg. file-storage.com has better benefits compared to the without hyphen (i.e. filestorage.com ). To what I understand, Hyphen domain is good for parsing the two targeted keywords in a particular domain. But what about getting ranked and catching the traffic from search engine?

Well, wouldn't be the case of having "2 keywords" get more chance of catching the traffic from search engins?

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  Keyword acronyms domain?
Posted by: llegent - 07-11-2006, 12:55 PM - Forum: Domain Discussion - Replies (3)

Hi guys. There are tones of acronyms domains out there as we aware. Anyone have experience in them? or owning such domains? I am curious as to what sort of keywords do you guys use to maximize the revenue for this type of domain?

I mean, if I were to just parked the domain, the general PPC could be very low, how do you guys choose the appropriate keywords related to this type of domains in boosting up the revenue?

Thanks for sharing!!

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  Developing your domains?
Posted by: llegent - 07-11-2006, 12:46 PM - Forum: Domain Development - Replies (19)

Ok guys, I heard that while holding off their domain portfolio, some actually do develop their domains. How do you guys do it?? Do you also perform some SEO for the domain you developed into site?

By developing the domains, do you see higher return than just parking it?

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  Domain Portfolio?
Posted by: llegent - 07-11-2006, 12:42 PM - Forum: Domain Discussion - Replies (9)

Hi everyone, I am quite curious on this :- if someone is looking forward to generate serious amount of income per month through domain parking (eg 2k to 3k consistently), is there any specific amount of domain that you are looking to retain under your control?

I am thinking that in order ofr me to generate this kind of income, I might need to have a huge portfolio of about 500 to 1k of domains in order to see a significant revenue. But obviously it will also depends on the domain name for the potential traffic...but has anyone been able to reap such return in revenue?

I would like to hear from your experience. Do you really need a huge portfolio in order to generate such revenue?

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