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  Would changing of domain ownership affect SERP?
Posted by: llegent - 07-18-2006, 08:31 AM - Forum: Search Engines and Marketing - Replies (3)

Hi everyone, good day to you. I wasn't paying attention to this particular area until recently it just kind of sparks of my mind. Ok, my question is, if a domain has changed the ownership and reflected in the whois record, will this also affect the SERP for the domain or site(if already developed)?

Well, we all aware that google looks at the "aging" factor, so if the ownership is changed, wouldn't it appear to google that the domain is "new" in the sense that the domain is with "new" onwer? Or google just look at the "original" domain creation date?

Anyone has actually take note of this area? kind to share your experiences?

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Posted by: llegent - 07-18-2006, 08:22 AM - Forum: Legal Discussion - Replies (25)

Speaking of Dispute and legal claim issues, it sparks of my memory of the old days back in 2004 where google was taking the issue toward booble.com (adult search engine). In its email to booble.com, Google claimed that :-

Quote:Your use of the Domain Name and corresponding web site constitutes trademark infringement and dilution of Google's trademarks and unfair competition under federal and state laws. Further, your improper duplication of Google's trade dress on the web site will mislead consumers into believing that some association exists between Google and you, which tarnishes the goodwill and reputation of Google's services and trademarks. Your registration and use of the Domain Name is in bad faith pursuant to the Uniform Dispute Resolution Policy ("UDRP") and is clearly designed to appropriate the goodwill associated with the famous GOOGLE mark in violation of the Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act ("ACPA"). In addition, you would not be able to demonstrate any rights or legitimate interests in the Domain Name because you are using it to tarnish the GOOGLE mark.

Agreed that booble.com was created much later than google.com :-
Google.com domain was created on: 15-Sep-1997.
Booble.com domain was created on: 25-Nov-2001.

But hey, is that also to say that no one can own domain like :-
aooale.com, booble.com, coocle.com, doodle.com, eooele.com, foofle.com, hooahe.com, iooile.com, ,oooole.com, poople.com, qooqle.com...and so on??

Well, apparently, Booble.com is still "alive" till date! and they remain the direction as "adult search engine" that they set in the early stage.Big Grin

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  PR 7 + links wanted
Posted by: zach - 07-17-2006, 03:26 PM - Forum: Advertise and Hire - Replies (11)


I am looking for PR7+ links related to webdesign.
Please give me the address where the link will appear and the cost.



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  Sedo Trademark complaint
Posted by: zach - 07-17-2006, 03:02 PM - Forum: Legal Discussion - Replies (14)

I have just received the following email from Sedo:

Quote:We are writing to inform you that Sedo has received notice through Microsoft's Typo-Patrol of potential trademark infringement regarding the registration and use of the following domain names in conjunction with Sedo services. Microsoft created the MSN/Strider URL Tracer with Typo-Patrol to search for and record typo variations of domain names. A report containing such typo-domains based in Sedo's marketplace was then submitted to Sedo.com. Your domain was included in Microsoft's Typo-Patrol report. Accordingly, Sedo has no choice but to do the following at this time:

- Blocked from our domain marketplace

- Excluded from our parking program

Sedo takes great pains to strike a balance between the legitimate rights of domain owners and third party intellectual property owners and require verification of legal complaints before taking any action against a domain listed for sale or parked with Sedo.

If you have any questions regarding this message, or if you have a legal right to occupy this letter combination, then please contact the Sedo legal department at



Your Sedo Team

I am not sure what the connection is between Sedo and MS. Has anyone else every received an email like this?


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  Website Design Services?
Posted by: vicki2 - 07-17-2006, 08:12 AM - Forum: Domain Development - Replies (22)

The other thread made me think of this ....at what point in a domain's development is it worth spending big bucks on a webiste designer? Many of us go into owning a domain without a lot of $$$ to put behind it, and I've used template services (paid not free) and had good enough luck.

Does spending a lot with a designer really make a difference???

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Posted by: shiffy - 07-15-2006, 11:45 PM - Forum: Domain Name Appraisals - Replies (16)

What do you all think the value of this name is?

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  Domains going for another PR update?
Posted by: llegent - 07-15-2006, 08:00 AM - Forum: Search Engines and Marketing - Replies (3)

Hello everyone, this is exciting! I noticed that some of my domains are having a great fluctuation in google PR just these few days. So is the mysterous google going for another major update for Page Rank??

For 3of my site, all of the them got PR3 out of sudden. In fact one of them were PR0 and is a parked domain.Big Grin What about you guys?? Any good news in gaining good PR5 and above for your domains? well....I have yet to achieve any PR5 till date, the highest is only PR4.:mad:

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  Market value for Domains with type-in traffic.
Posted by: llegent - 07-14-2006, 09:11 PM - Forum: Domain Discussion - Replies (1)

Just wondering, has anyone got an idea about those "Premium Domains" that enjoy traffic comes from direct type-ins, what's the market share that it grabs from the overall paid search business? Eg, when people just type in cellphone.com when they wanted to look for cellphone related information. So, if cellphone.com is a landing page with PPC link all over it, I am sure the visitor will "click" on the link and the domain owner get paid for the PPC.
(this example is just for illustration only)

My rough estimation for it is like "should be" well over billions:eek: . Anyone got further information? Well, it for sharing and to get ourselves "motivated" while we continue to "hunt" for good domain names Big Grin

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  Internet REIT?
Posted by: llegent - 07-14-2006, 08:53 PM - Forum: Domain Companies - Replies (2)

I stumble upon this Internet REIT which is for Acquisition and Development of Internet Real Estate. I am very new to this ideas at the moment as mostly I either parked my domains or develop them by myself.

It is common for me for other type of REIT eg Hotal REIT, Shopping Mall REIT ..etc in the offline world, but Internet REIT??:confused: Anyone has experiences in this trade? Reading in their site :-
iREIT is in the business of acquiring "virtual real estate" -- portfolios of Internet domain names.

Our primary interest in purchasing domain names that generate natural traffic and current revenue (through parking, affiliate programs, PPC, CPM, or a combination of internet advertising sources).

Looking at their whois record, this site is pretty "young" as it was registered in year 2005. Does this type of model could possibly survive?

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  Free Domain .tk ?
Posted by: llegent - 07-14-2006, 08:37 PM - Forum: Domain Discussion - Replies (18)

Hello guys and gals. Anyone here using the free .tk domain? I read their site for the part of "why it is free" and it says :-

Simple: you get a free domain name, we'll put an optional advertisement on your website. Don't worry, the advertisement can be easily removed FOR FREE in most countries. You can also remove the advertisement by either paying for the domain (and obtain the actual license right of the domain) or by sending in a SMS by mobile telephone if you live in the United Kingdom, Italy, Belgium, Netherlands, Spain or Germany.

Anyone tried it before? Has it been good? Or just like any other TLD? Could it possibly get a high ranking it major search engines too? Well, I hardly come across these TLD in SE search result. What about you?

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