I ran into a site that is favoring breast cancer, and they have a page filled with sponsors that would donate money for every click they get. Of course they are saying that the purpose of the site is precisely that, to make a donation through clicking! Would that be considered as a Public Service Announcement if I put that on my blog, for example?
are you sure its legitimate? It might be some guy trying to get money from click fraud.
As far as I am aware, Google dosent give monet to organisations in public service anouncments in adsense, they just show their ads... so how would they be getting paid per click?
zach Wrote:are you sure its legitimate? It might be some guy trying to get money from click fraud.
As far as I am aware, Google dosent give monet to organisations in public service anouncments in adsense, they just show their ads... so how would they be getting paid per click?
Actually they were not Google adsense. They had little banners from other sites that sold stuff... It look legit. And many people are doing it (I mean the clicking). But since I do have google on my blog, I thought that might be a problem.
Aw, that is fantastic, Berlin. I am an avid support of anything that has to do with helping cancer. Would love to know what this link is and where you found it!

Thanks for the info.
Gigi Wrote:Aw, that is fantastic, Berlin. I am an avid support of anything that has to do with helping cancer. Would love to know what this link is and where you found it!
Thanks for the info.
Hi Gigi.
I've come accross this website few times in the last couple of years. I think they are legit. But if you know more about how to find out, then you might see for yourself. Here's the link I was talking about:
While I support sites that donate to help fight cancer.....I don't trust many on the net. More scams than you can click a mouse at!
I was afraid it would be a scam, but they've been around for a long time, and maybe they are legit... or it is a scam that hasn't been discover as such... How can you tell for sure?
berlinlife06 Wrote:I ran into a site that is favoring breast cancer, and they have a page filled with sponsors that would donate money for every click they get. Of course they are saying that the purpose of the site is precisely that, to make a donation through clicking! Would that be considered as a Public Service Announcement if I put that on my blog, for example?
new job!!!!
Thanks for the info Berlin. I think every little bit helps, even if it isnt a big money maker for the charity, atleast for awareness!
The problem would be eased if the click ad had some kind of high profile name attached like St. Judes or such.