with only one or two words with 10 letters or less.
Are you looking for something about buying real estate? I had a local real estate person who had a catchy web address. I couldn't get it out of my head.
Grace Wrote:Are you looking for something about buying real estate? I had a local real estate person who had a catchy web address. I couldn't get it out of my head.
I have quite a few domains and most of them have to do with real estate, in one way or another. What was your friend memorable domain?
It was called "buyahouse.com".
I have for sale:
PM me if interested in any
Thank you for your reply about your real estate domains. As a rule I don't have any single .net domains. Only .nets that go along with the corresponding.coms.
I have " foundrealty . com
Make an offer if interested.
That's a nice name for real estate domain. Is the site well developed, and are you looking to sell it immediately?
Hi Grace,
No, the site isn't developed. I have it parked at the moment. Picked it up on an expiring auction. I'd sell it if I got $100 bucks....but otherwise, probably keep sitting on it.
Have a good weekend!
I have "northwesthomesource.com" if interested.