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Pages: 1 2
Honestly, I don't think "YouTube" will be mad at "UTube" simply because people that are actually looking for videos will find them sooner or later. But I guess "Utube" wont mind the traffic brought into their site.
Is the site up yet?
They should be appeased by the money they make in the end It's a direct result of their name and it's use for other things.
I think I saw a site called and if I remember clearly, it was something related with plumbing. So, I guess those people are appreciating the traffict they got.
A utube site about plumbing sounds interesting, indeed. I wouldn't have expected that subject for the name. I guess if we let our imaginations go, MAYBE.Smile
Ok, so I went to And here's what the site is about:
Universal Tube & Rollform Equipment Corporation specializes in buying and selling Used Tube Mills, Used Pipe Mills and Used Rollforming Machines.

And they are getting a lot of traffic!
Good for them. They saw the trend and snapped on it. I hope it works out as well for them as they hoped!
If the selection from utube for them is working with using it for used items, that's great! The traffic will probably increase too over time.
tube is in demand hehe
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