I found this tool that will help you with keywords:-
Keyword Density Checker
All you have to do input your url and this will scan your website and displays certain keywords and then it display the density as a %, and it will show you how much that keyword (and ones related to it) receive hits per month, it's a cool thing and helps you to insert certain keywords into your website. Might help you more with SEO, and perhaps your website will recieve more hits

thanks, keyword density tools is really a great way to find whats missing in your site. i have used it and everytime i find something new to add to my site
Cool, that's a great tool. I like that they even use a word cloud! Here are domainsocial's top ten:
Well the most one is "7.39%" Well that's not much but it's good. I really find this tool helpful!
NEAT! This is a neat tool. I can definately use this for ideas. I have an idea of which keyword would be best for my site but this is also helpful!
Like I stated in my previous post, you may want to also try The Dowser. The provide far more complex and useful stats. :-)
7.39% isnt good?
What should it be at? ....Too high and it looks spammy.
Well this is excellent tool and I always use this one. I have some stong keywords which have good % .
Well I don't know much about The Dowser let me check it.
I got a BIG report guys.
Quote:Keyword Density
Keyword Count Density
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And it is a forum BTW.